Update on my last post.
We saw kieron's oncologist on Monday. We are having bone/CT scan in next few weeks.
We are also off to The Christie tomorrow to sign up to the toparp study. This is to test if kieron's biopsy will respond to a parp inhibitor. If it does then kieron can start taking this drug. Apologise I have forgotten the drugs name. Unfortunately it can take 6-8 weeks for the test results.
Our oncologist is a wonderful lady who spends time with us, regardless of her busy schedule.
If kieron isn't eligible for the toparp study. He will start on oestrogen and we are on the waiting list for phase 1 trials still too. The phase one trial kieron was hoping to start has been delayed and will only be available from May/June 2018.
At the moment kieron is fit and well apart from being 14 weeks post op from a femor and hip replacement, he starts physio and hydrotherapy on Tuesday to help rebuild his muscle strength.