Thank you for your replies and sorry for the late answer... I didn't set an alert and let these messages pass, but very happy with your replies :-)
Well, by now I know what comes at least on a shorter run. So I will undergo surgery on 05/April next and most likely radiotherapy as a co-treatment after surgery.
After multi discipline meeting I was given 2 solutions, 1) surgery and 2) radiotehrepy with hormone together. I had a 3 doctor appointment plus a radiotherapy consultancy to understand their different views and I decided for surgery. The reasons were: a) I am relativelly young (49), b) radio over a long period has also consequences to other organs as I hopefully still have many years ahead, c) in case surgery will not show full success, I have other second options as radio and hormone therapy, d) the follow up by PSA with radio is to fluctuate around some patters and decision on what to do after PSA interpretation is more uncertain, whereas after surgery PSA level drops to zero and for me this is more easy to handle.
I didn't see an oncologist... I followed the urologists advice. He is also part of the surgery team and doing this type of surgery (with robot) since 2010.
By now, my fist priority is survival of course and even though I have a localized tumor, I am scared now of the results of either or not there is microscopic desease in the seminal vesicles and lymph nodes. As PET and MRI showed only the tumor in the prostata I was a bit reasured but I was told that after surgery protsta will be analysed in full as well as the other removed tissues. This may show ultimatelly my odds with this desease. Is this so?
In the event then that PSA does not drop to zero after surgery, does this mean I cannot be cured anymore with other treatments? How long do the PSA follow ups last?
The erection problems I may face after surgery are being diminished by my partner. He is saying me we will find both a new way out for our sex life. So difficult not to have this in mind as well, but I leave this for a later worry.
This is my latest feedback then. Glad in advance to any comment.
Thanks, Paulo