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Urgent referal

Posted 22 Feb 2018 at 21:29
Hi all, will be attending an urgent referal next Thurs and wondering what to expect. Story so far, went to docs about a month ago after bowel issues and piles. Nurse parcticioner did dre and wasn't too happy (felt a bit bumpy), took bloods urine and fecal three days later so prostate had settled. Anyway, he said I had ibs, gave me a few meds and said he'd have a word with doc. Later that night he rang to say my psa was 1.79 and not to worry about it, go back in a week or so. Anyway, Dr Google there I went, scared myself ******** BUT did find out that psa is not clear cut and low can still mean cancer. So I goes back to discus ibs (plus back pain and low bowel pain). He didn't seem too interested in my prostate so I brought ut up saying I was concerned and wanted a second dre test. So sees another doc, he says not bumpy but hard on one side. Course I'm scared, anxious, and rediculously worried but glad I did as he refered me straight away.
Posted 23 Feb 2018 at 09:07

Hello Guy and welcome to the site

Dr. Google can be helpful (sometimes) but not at the early stages of trying to find out what is wrong s******s doesn't begin to describe how you'll feel by the time you've decided you have everything under the sun :)

PSA 1.79 is low but as you say, PC can still be there with such a low figure.

Whatever the problem is, you are being referred very quickly.

We have members on here where the GP really dragged his feet so the fact that you went and saw another doctor is a very good thing.

Worrying at the early stages is perfectly normal. Even when the ball is rolling and you are possibly referred for scans or biopsies (and remember that may not happen) the waiting for the results is a real drag.

Something has caused the firmness on one side and it does need investigating. Your partway there so think positively about that and leave Dr. Google alone for the time being. He is not your friend at present.

Once you have something more definite in the way of results, please come back and let us know and I'm sure somebody will be able to point you in the right direction.

In the meantime, best wishes


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 23 Feb 2018 at 12:28
Thanks Sandra, much obliged. I'll be posting findings and results in a week or so I think.
Posted 23 Feb 2018 at 14:11

I presented about 12/18 months ago with hip pain. After steroid injection didn't work the orthopaedic surgeon said he thought my pain was lower back related. Six weeks ago had a nerve block steroid injection into lower back with no improvement. Back and hip pain getting steadily worse moving into groin and testicles. More worrying is 7 sometimes 8 visits to the loo every night which has been going on for several months. Could the two be related?? No blood but continual groin, bone and what I describe as prostate pain. (though not sure what prostate pain feels like). Last PSA was in May 2017 and scored 1.8 although this should be doubled as I am on Finisteride. GP now reckons I have irritable bladder but this doesn't fill me with confidence. No DRE has been done. I am 72 years old and frankly, worried sick.

Posted 23 Feb 2018 at 17:18

Hello Machytom and welcome

It may be better for you to copy your post from here into your own as it might otherwise get lost in replies to Bikerdude.

I know you had a PSA test last May (1.8) but just wondered if you have ever been referred to a urologist regarding the supposed irritable bladder?
You said the "last" PSA does that mean you have had them previously and if so how does it compare with the latest one?
Have you ever been checked for infection?
Was the Finistaride given to you because of BPH?

If you are really concerned (and you certainly sound it if you are worried sick) then why not ask for a referral to a urologist who will test for infection and probably include a DRE. Perhaps you could ask your GP for a DRE to put your mind at rest in the meantime.

Sorry, so many questions

Best Wishes


We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
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