Unfortunately Lynn that happens with biopsies too. How many men do we see where the biopsy missed the cancer? Certainly the standard TRUS one does with the Template biopsy being more accurate.
This would obviously cost the NHS much more time/money of course as a general anaesthetic is needed for the Template biopsy.
We can only hope the MRI keeps being developed to the point where it is more accurate.Maybe your husband's PCa would have been picked up if he was only going for tests now as the Multi parametric MRI's have improved in the last few years.
I agree also that it should be scan and biopsy for indicitve men. It may be that men would feel happier going for the appointment when it is not a given that they are automatically going to be biopsied.
As GP's & urologists are only human with differing opinions and ability there will always be men who slip through the net.
As it's so important to get at risk men to the Urologist in the first place why is there seemingly still some GP's sending men away and putting them off saying they don't need a PSA test because i.e
You are too young,the prostate feels ok, etc,etc.