Hi, I’m new to this site. I hope someone may be able to give me some reassurance and guidance.
My brother has felt in well over the past 10 months with upper respiratory track irritation. I’m not sure whether this has any thing to do with his problem at the moment.
Last week he had a psa blood test by the go as he was visiting the toilet a lot. The result showed a raised psa level and the GP detected a nodule on his prostate.
Today he has had an appointment at the hospital. The registrar indicated that the blood level was high (?) and he could feel a hardness on the prostate.
He has to go back tomorrow for a biopsy.
I know that no one can give me an answer but I’m worried about him. I wasn’t with him when he had his appointment this morning so I’m wondering is all this normal procedure and dies it sound very sinister. I think we are prepared to have a cancer diagnoses but I’m hoping it can be managed.
Thank you