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Times article on PCa and Diet

Posted 10 Mar 2018 at 15:25

Article below featured in The Times, Saturday, 10/03/2018, Weekend, Body and Soul, page 7.

Non-believers look away now.

What to eat to beat prostate cancer. Making changes to your diet can reduce the risk significantly. Peta Bee reports.


What can men do to protect themselves against prostate cancer?

It’s a question that has arisen again this week after a "key study revealed that men who take a test for the disease as a routine precaution may do themselves more harm than good.

The study, funded by Cancer Research UK, suggested that the PSA (pros-tate-specific antigen) blood test offered by GPs was more likely to detect harmless tumours than those that were fatal. The result was that many men ended up taking unnecessary treatment with significant side-effects, including impotence and incontinence.

So what else can men do to ward off a disease that accounts for 26 per cent of cancers in men in the UK? The one thing we do know is that a healthy lifestyle, including cutting down on alcohol –and improving diet, plays a significant part in protecting against it.

These are the foods that the experts say carry specific benefits.


Tomatoes   Rich in Lycopenes

Of all the foods thought to help to ward off prostate cancer, tomatoes have the strongest reputation. They are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that can protect against DNA and cell damage, and more so when cooked or heated, because heat helps to break down the cell walls, increasing the amount of lycopene released.

The prostate-cancer risk in men who consume more than ten portions a week of tomatoes, such as (tomato paste and puree, and cooked) fresh tomatoes, tomato juice and baked beans, was reduced by 18 per cent, a study at Bristol University found four years ago.


Green Tea Rich in Polyphenols

Twenty per cent of green tea is consumed in Asian countries, where prostate cancer death rates are among the lowest in the world. Numerous studies have shown that polyphenol plant compounds in green tea, called catechins, inhibit cancer-cell growth, mobility and invasion, and stimulate cancer-cell death.

Other polyphenols in green tea, including theaflavins, tannins and flavonoids, are also powerful antioxidants shown to have disease fighting capabilities. Most studies suggest three to five cups a day as optimal and that your intake needs to be consistent.


Broccoli    Rich in sulforaphane

Broccoli contains plenty of selenium and zinc, minerals that can have a powerful effect in reducing the likelihood of prostate cancer, and it is also rich in a dietary compound called sulforaphane. Last year Oregon State University researchers reported ‘that sulforaphane could play a crucial role in cell metabolism, preventing so-called junk DNA from triggering cells to become malignant.

When scientists at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich compared the effects of a 400g serving of broccoli with a 400g serving of peas in men at risk of developing prostate cancer a decade ago, they found greater changes in gene expression among the broccoli eaters — changes they said could be associated with lower risk of the disease.


Carrots     Rich in carotenoids

A 2014 study in the European Journal of Nutrition found men to be 18 per cent less likely to develop a prostate tumour if their diets contained lots of carrots. According to the Japanese team of researchers, there was a “significantly decreased risk of prostate cancer” among men who ate the vegetable three to five times a week compared with those who consumed carrots once a week or less. Carrots are rich in carotenoids, but they are also powerful antioxidants shown to protect cells from oxidative damage and reduce the risk of cancers.


Apple (Peel) Rich in Ursolic acid

Apples are best eaten baked or whole with the skin on, because the peel is rich in ursolic acid, a waxy natural chemical that has been shown to help to thwart the growth of prostate cancer.

Last year a team from the University of Texas tested a range of plant compounds on laboratory animals with prostate tumours and found ursolic acid to be one of the most promising active ingredients. “These nutrients have potential anti-cancer properties and are readily available,” Wrote the lead author, Stefano Tiziani. “We only need to increase concentration beyond levels found in a healthy diet for an effect on prostate cancer cells.”


Pomegranate Rich in Lycopene and flavones

Pomegranate juice and extract are rich in beneficial cancer-inhibiting compounds such as flavones, lycopene and conjugated linoleic acid, and they have been linked in several studies to helping to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

In 2013 researchers at the University of California found that tumour cells treated with pomegranate juice were less likely to grow.

Another trial by oncologists at Bedford Hospital and Addenbrooke’s, part of Cambridge University Hospitals, found that men with prostate cancer who took a daily capsule containing essence ‘of pomegranate, turmeric, green tea and broccoli had blood PSA (a protein produced by prostate cells) levels 63 per cent lower than those who had taken a placebo.

(Ground Linseeds are another good source of linoleic acid)

Be aware of the high sugar content of some pomegranate juices, though.


Coffee       Rich in Bioactive substances

Three cups of coffee a day may be a good habit to maintain. Just make sure your brew is prepared the Italian way. Typical Italian coffee is made using beans subjected to high pressure, high temperature (think espresso) and no filters.

A study of 7,000 men published in the International Journal of Cancer last year found it to be an effective cocktail for helping to fight prostate cancer.

During the four-year study men who drank three or more cups of coffee a day were found to be at a 53 per cent lower risk than those who drank less or no coffee. It seemed to be the bioactive compounds in caffeine that had the positive effect -when they tested with decaffeinated coffee they found no such improvement.


Walnuts    Rich in Zinc. magnesium and selenium

Nuts are known to be rich in omega-3 fatty acids, linked to reductions in the risk of heart disease and forms of cancer because of their anti-inflammatory effects.

However, scientists at the University of California suggested that it is other compounds in walnuts that make them a powerful weapon against the disease. In a laboratory trial published in the Journal of Medicinal Food they found that animals fed walnuts and walnut oil exhibited slowed prostate-cancer growth, but that those on an omega-fat-only diet did not. They suspected antioxidant compounds such as zinc, magnesium and selenium, which help to destroy damaging free radicals in the body, were also at play.

Other nuts, including Brazils and almonds, have also been shown to help.

©Peta Bee

Edited by member 10 Mar 2018 at 18:49  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 10 Mar 2018 at 18:51

The journalist is rehashing old news but without a proper explanation of the context. With the exception of the Bedford / Addenbrookes Pomi-T trial, all of these are looking at pre-diagnosis diet. I don't think anyone doubts now that the diet of boys and young men can influence whether or not they get PCa when they are older (unless they carry one of the BRCA genes).

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 10 Mar 2018 at 19:39

Does alcohol consumption makes PC worse????

Posted 10 Mar 2018 at 21:02

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

Does alcohol consumption makes PC worse????


Red wine and beer get the thumbs up

Posted 11 Mar 2018 at 19:56

Red wine was certainly a favourite of the late Old Al.

A man who was diagnosed with a PSA of 4 figures which rose to almost match figures comparable to the national debt.

His diet was varied to say the least and in most of his posts he would be extolling the virtues of vin rouge.

Well worth looking at his diet in his profile.

Posted 13 Mar 2018 at 12:42

I read on a post on here recently that someone is avoiding wheat, but I can't find it now.
Anyone have any idea why or how it could have any effect, what the theory is, whether to be believed or not please?


Posted 13 Mar 2018 at 19:36

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member

I read on a post on here recently that someone is avoiding wheat, but I can't find it now.
Anyone have any idea why or how it could have any effect, what the theory is, whether to be believed or not please?

Probably just wheat intolerant/Coeliac disease. Not seen anything about wheat being linked to PCa.

Posted 14 Mar 2018 at 12:36
Hello, was Old Al his username? I am trying to find out what I can eat and what I can't. I have never seen Pasta mentioned anywhere.
Posted 14 Mar 2018 at 17:41

Just checked and Old Al's profile is still available and his diet is at the very end.

Posted 14 Mar 2018 at 18:34

Old Al's Diet, cut and pasted from the end of his profile






(Spirulina, Chlorella; Algae powders rich in Chlorophyll)


VIT B12, VIT E 400, VIT D 800IU






Below copied from WikiP. re MAITAKE Mushrooms

Medical research and use

In 2009, a phase I/II human trial, conducted by Memorial Sloan–Kettering Cancer Center, showed maitake could stimulate the immune systems of breast cancer patients.[3][non-primary source needed] Small experiments with human cancer patients have shown it can stimulate immune system cells, such as NK cells.[4][non-primary source needed][5] In vitro research has also shown G. frondosa can stimulate immune system cells.[6] An in vivo experiment showed that it could stimulate both the innate immune system and adaptive immune system.[7]

In vitro research has shown maitake can induce apoptosis in various cancer cell lines, and inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells.[8] Small studies with human cancer patients revealed that a portion of this mushroom, known as the mitake D-fraction, possesses anticancer activity.[9][Unreliable fringe source?][10] In vitro research demonstrated the mushroom has potential antimetastatic properties.[11]

Edited by member 14 Mar 2018 at 18:35  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 14 Mar 2018 at 19:01

This is a cut and paste of part of the bio of the late Rob who was perhaps the geatest researcher of my time with this forum.
It would be almost easier to list all the things Rob did eat rather than those he avoided. Nevertheless, the no no's are detailed but for relevance to diet I have omitted most of his histology as possible.
Age at diagnosis 51.
.PSA around 250.Gleason 9. ex-capsule, possible involvement one lymph node (?) Flutamide three weeks;Zoladex -three monthly implants. Radiotherapy (36 sessions) After r/t psa dropped to 35, then steadily down to around 5. Bone scans clear.
Side effects- considerable fatigue (energy level still very limited). Bowel problems. Frequency still bad but flow improved a little. Muscle loss, concentration affected. Some hot flushes but not a real problem. Feel the cold more. Irritable at times.
Some diet changes have helped. No dairy/red meat. Have cut out yeast as this seems
I have suffered for years with stomach bloating/wind etc. which could lay me low for two or three days. This is sometimes called irritable bowel syndrome. I wasn't so much irritable as feeling Yuch ! NSAIDS would have the same effect.Even anti-inflammatory cream used on a swollen foot joint sparked it off straightaway.
The worst offenders were beer & lager, lettuce, raw onion, and in particular wheat & barley. Some makes of bread were worse than others. I had believed I was eating a reasonably healthy diet but events have shown this not to be the case.
Three days into r/t, I started hitting trouble. Bloatedness,tiredness & lack of any energy. The nurses said it was too early for the treatment to be the cause, and I believed them for at least two hours ! Luckily I was able to see the hospital dietician the following week, who put me on a low gluten diet. At this point I was begining to doubt if I could do the journey.Energy level was so low & I felt rough.The change of diet worked and I was able to complete the 35 sessions.After treatment I was sleeping 12-14 hours per day, and I now realise the Zoladex had really kicked in as well. By now I was on 6-8 bowel movements per day thanks to the r/t.
A very helpful dietician I contacted suggested I also eliminate all foods with yeast in. So yeast-free food was the next step. I also had to avoid apples, onions, mushrooms, miso and other foods similar to yeast. Also to eliminate ALL sugar from diet ( other than the natural sugar in vegetables). No fruit- too much sugar content.Little potatoe,beetroot & starchy foods that turn to sugar too quickly in digestion.Red meat & dairy had gone off the list the previous year, as had all the cakes, biscuits & pastries which I used to consume.No jam, honey, dried fruit, cereal ( other than porridge made with water). Rye bread only(yeast-free).Fish was o.k.plus I had organic chicken & vegs.Brown rice for as long as I could stand it.No vinegar, pickles, peanuts, malted products, alcohol, squash drinks, processed foods, mayonnaise, marmite, pizza/pizza bread and so on.Even oat biscuits were rationed.
So I lived on the allowed foods + avocado, tomatoes, beans and nut butters except peanut(bad for p.ca. Green & herbal teas. Coffee once a week as a treat! No sweets, puddings etc. By this time my body was telling me not to eat any foods cooked in any oil. And for once, I listened carefully.I used to enjoy fish & chips and so on but now even the thought of these foods is off-putting. I like Indian & Chinese foods, but not if cooked in oil, which most of it is nowadays.
The results. Well, the bowels improved & became manageable. The bloatedness & wind decreased a lot. Joint pains & stiffness gradually went and I felt a lot better. The tiredness was still with me, but not quite so severe.Less flushes.
I kept this diet up for a year, then gradually re-introduced fruit, well -proven bread and a wider range of foods. The result has been a slight increase of joint stiffness, rising psa and slight increase of energy, although I still usually sleep during the day.For the last few months I have cut out all meat and am just having fish to see how this may affect the psa trend.
My philosophy is that I have only got one shot at controlling this disease and if I have to forgoe some favorite foods then so be it. I do believe progression can be slowed by diet, but maybe that is all.At my age this matters a lot. This sort of diet is not easy, but is one way to attempt to fight this disease.Unfortunately, medical opinion varies as to the benefits.My original prognosis of three years has now been reached .Without the r/t & hormone therapy I know I would not be here now.One can alter food taste and many things I used to enjoy would now make me queasy, but it takes time & patience to adapt.

So far;
Non-Red Meat
Low Sugar
Limit Fruit
Med-High Veg.
High oily fish
Low Alcohol
Eliminate Yeast as far as possible.
Vit supplements, but with caution.
Pomm. juice from time to time.
Convinced by discussions on Vit D. At present on 3000iu per day and about to go to 5000iu per day,having had level measured.
Kept reduced meat intake (chicken & turkey only) to only the occasional meal. Maybe once or twice a month.
Continue to avoid any foods cooked in oil as far as possible.

Sept. 08
Try Intermittent HT (see Bio)
Stick with diet as above.
March 2010 Resume HT as psa increasing.A pity as I was just starting to feel the benefits of being off treatment.
July. Fatigue back. Some flushes noticeable.
March 2011 Continue with ADT3
June 2012 Continue with ADT3 + Vit. D3
Continue with :
No red meat.
chicken or turkey - Only every few weeks; usually when out & no alternatives.No leg or wing meat, or skin.
No dairy produce.
No egg yolk.
No oil cooked foods whenever possible.
Use only almond or olive oil in very low amount. Only cold. Avoid all foods containing added oils where possible.
Try to limit carbohydrates to reasonable amounts. Preferably wholegrains. I avoid wheat due to IBS problems in the past, also yeasty breads.
So tend to have sourdough Rye breads most of the time.
Plenty of different coloured veggies.A good variety if possible. Add garlic.
Some fruit but limit amounts.
Plenty of oily fish + other seafoods.Sardines in tomatoes sauce are a mainstay for lunch for example.
No cakes, biscuits etc. unless dairy free & no oils.No sweet bars or sweets except dark chocolate
Some dark chocolate, but limited amount.
Plenty of green tea; preferably a loose leave brew at least once a day as well as teabags.
Limit coffee to a couple of cups in the morning.
Red wine occasionally.
Nuts : a few almonds; some almond nut butter.
Wholegrain organic porridge most mornings cooked in water only ( soak overnight).
Beans & lentils o.k. ( I can't take too much though ! ).
Vegetable juices to drink provided no added sugars.V8 is a useful buy, but not in aluminium type cans.
Soya such as soya beans, tofu. Soya & rice milk o.k.; but I don't bother with them usually.Prefer coffee etc. black now.
Chickpeas,brown rice ( not white if possible ),
Avoid added sugar wherever possible. No processed sugars of any kind where possible. I stopped honey due to sugar/insulin risk some years ago.Once you loose the 'sweet tooth' you don't need sweeteners I find.
Organic where possible of course to avoid the pesticides & is a better taste.
Recently started using egg white for omlettes - a change for breakfast. Just add in tomatoes & herbs.
Added Soya protein to breakfast ( mostly in the porridge ) to help balance protein into the meal.


Pomegranate extended release tablets
About 3000 iu fish oil
Vit D3
A few drops Vit C
Resveratrol ( on & off basis - expensive ! )

Two or three times a week
Calcium citrate + magnesium + Boron ( max . should be 1000 - 1200 mg. I take a bit less.
Multi Vit but without Copper & low in Iron

It would be interesting to compare his diet with Old Al

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