Hi Paulo, you are right that with a Gleason 8 a decision had to be made and you’ve done that so that’s a good first step.
I found that once I had decided on my treatment I became focused on the operation and getting rid of my cancer.
At first you will be concentrating on recovery but then will come the pathology report post surgery and follow up PSA tests.
The stress of waiting on these results is difficult and I find I worry before and after the PSA test. Once the results are in and they are ok I.e. undetectable I settle for a time until the next tes is coming due.
Unfortunately for me the surgery did not cure me. See my profile for more information.
I found being told the cancer had returned really difficult to accept and deal with but again you start to focus on treatment again and dealing with the issue.
None of this is easy but in your case you seem to think you are a T3a, N0, M0 so you may have to have further treatment.
The big question for you will be adjuvant versus salvage radiotherapy. You will be guided by the pathology of your Prostate, surgical margins and the views/advice of your medical team.
You may find after surgery that all s good, all the above is for the future.
The key thing is that you have made your decision, Stck with it and deal with what follows as best you can.
I wish you every success for your surgery in April.