Hi people
so sorry for the delay to contacting the site, lots have happened in life and family , I'll give brief update still having the problems with Sarcoma and after surgery, the wound is still open and its almost twelve months now, had two or three skin grafts that didn't take had VAC on and off that did't
work had silver dressings, iodine dressings, now trying honey dressings and large amount of vitamin c all to help the healing process, but on the back burner the consultant my consider a flap to close the wound its 50% / 50% whether it would work he cant do the reconstruction with skin, muscle and blood vessels from across my abdomen because of previous surgery and diagonal wound from my belly button down to the pubic area, he may try to his words go into the right groin area and flip it across to my right thigh, its a common procedure the flap option as similar procedure is used in breast
reconstruction, the damage to the skin . muscle was caused by the 30 sessions of radiology I had after the sarcoma operation the skin can't be stitched to weak damaged it just opens again, not done anything over prostrate problem thinking all the blood tests,ct and mri scans would show something, to add to all that I now have night sweets , wet so much just like taking T shirt out of the washing machine ive just got an appointment for next week with my GP,then its back to the consultant at the Royal Hospital end of the month, back to Whiston Hospital the week after to see the plastic consultant.
so so sorry to go on I'm aware many of you have far more concerns than me
take care rant over kettle on