I finished my 20 factions of RT towards the end of March last year - 2017 - and suffered a couple of weeks of discomfort afterwards but then I have felt great. Beaten Cancer!! PSA was almost zero and in January it was too low to measure.
However at the beginning of February this year - 2018 - I noticed more frequent and painful peeing. My self diagnosis from PC UK booklets was Radiation Cystitis. I contacted the Urology/Oncology nurse who said to take a pee sample to the GP’s surgery. I did this and a dip with the strip said it looked OK but sent it to the laboratory anyway. The nurse came back and said it showed no infection. I mentioned Radiation Cystitis but of course, the medical profession despise self-diagnosis and she just said mmm...maybe...
As it became more painful, again I contacted the U/O Nurse again who said to come in. I did a pee flow test, poor, and was checked ultrasonically that I was emptying the bladder, which I was. The outcome of this was some Betmiga pills prescribed and booked in for a flexible cytoscopy- this will be in late April.
I have been monitoring my night time peeing and this averages about 4 times a night with a range of 2 to 6. Overnight, the pee is very slow, dribbly and painful but is somewhat better during the day unless I have been sitting for while. Standing up from sitting nearly always means I want to go but I try and resist for a few minutes if I can. Pee flow rate is noticeably better after I have been to the gym.
I am drinking 1.5 to 2 litres a day of tea/coffer/water/cranberry juice and limit wine to 250mL a day on the 5 days of the week I do partake. Tea/coffee are de-caffeinated.
I notice comments about bought Cranberry juice is mostly water so I have bought some dried Cranberries to munch as well.They’re quite nice!
So is this something I am stuck with for life or is it a passing phase? I am still on 3-monthly Prostap jabs too, scheduled to end later this year.
In February I was really very down in the dumps as I was thinking I had beaten it and all was going to be OK then these symptoms kicked in. I feel less so now, especially if there’s some hope of it being a short term thing, We have 3 holidays booked this year and I want to enjoy them.