Thank you so much. He's actually in really high spirits! Feels fine as well which is good but as he says nobody knows what's going on inside him apart from the docs. They have kept him in again so his blood count still must not be high enough. He's eating well and has no pains which is great.
Think we caught it sooner this time as he had no aches at the beginning this time and feels well. Thank goodness for the thermometer it's a godsend. It's not nice not having him at home but knowing he is being checked on all the time is reassuring.
The Macmillan nurse told him yesterday the chemo dose may need to be tweaked, but as long as he can continue to get it that's the main thing. With any luck the next ones will go smoothly but if this is what has to happen then we will get him through it together!
Hope everything is well your end. Xxx