Hi Jess,
really sorry to hear about your dad. But I just wanted to tell you my positive story with my dad, to reassure you. He was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer spread to the bones in March 2012. I literally thought my world had ended. However, although advanced prostate cancer can not be cured, it can be managed for years and years!
My dad has been on hormone therapy for more than six years, and last year his doc told him that there were drugs he could prescribe that would keep him alive for years and years. Those were the best words to hear!!!
his PSA level has been below average since starting hormone therapy. It started at 150, and went right down to 0.4. It has just risen very slightly to 1.7 so he may need to change his treatment, but the doc said this is more a precautionary thing. of course it does worry me that his PSA has risen slightly, but the doc did not change his stance of ”we can keep you alive for years and years”.
so, even upon receiving a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer, people can still live a very long time... possibly even as long as they would have done anyway. my dad, despite the fact that he may need to change treatments, still feels great, goes travelling, paragliding, to the gym, building camper vans... and he physically is fine (I.e not too many issues going to the toilet, which is one of the main symptoms).
i wish you and your dad all the best, and keep drawing support from others’ positive stories. Hormone therapy has the potential to keep him with you for many many more years.