Following CT and MRI scans last week,, I saw my oncologist on Wednesday. I had gone to the appointment expecting to be given the go ahead for cycle number 6 of Cabazitaxel, but it didn't work out that way.
The onco told me that the CT scan was good news, because it did not show any development of tumours in any soft tissue. This was basically the same news as all previous CT scans. The MRI scan however, seemed to be bad news all the way. More and more vertebrae are becoming involved and the spread is now very extensive. He seemed amazed that I didn't have a lot more pain and indeed, that I was still able to stand up!
In view of the scan results and the fact that my PSA is now in four figures and rising, he concluded that the Cabazitaxel wasn't working at all and he withdrew me from the treatment immediately. He told me that there is no further prescribed treatment he can offer me.
He did suggest two further options "we could try", but that phrase failed to inspire me. He wasn't exactly filled with confidence in them himself and I think he only mentioned them to be able to offer me some hope. The two treatments were Carboplatin and Stilboestrol. He warned that the first was liable to have severe side effects and the latter may not be suitable for me because of other health conditions.
He wants to see me again next Wednesday, so that we can discuss these options further, but I think I have reached the stage where I will decline further treatment. I find myself getting weaker by the day and I have discussed it with family and they are in full agreement. My last prognosis, assuming that Cabazitaxel was going to work was that I could expect to live until autumn, so I can only assume that that timescale has reduced since the Cabbi has failed. The last thing I want is to have to endure the side effects of another treatment in my last months, only to find that has failed too.
If anyone has any experience of the two drugs, Carboplatin or Stilboestrol, I would be interested to know your opinions, I do still have time to change my mind!
Best wishes