Hi Bill63,
I hope you continue to get improvements with your meds.
Early in my recovery I found that mixing and matching meds worked best for me. Probably will not work for anyone
else, so I would not try it. But I was pro-acrtivce in my recovery try and prepared to experiment and push the boundary to achieve the chance of progress, or fail, knowing that at least I had tried.
My prescription started with 28 x 5mg Tadalafil (Cialis), so 1 tablet a day for 28 days. And 8 x 50mg Sildenafil (Viagra) for "events".
The Cialis gave me, what I thought at the time were, terrible leg aches, bad enough to keep me awake or wake me for all the wrong reasons for about 2 months. Really very painful and uncomfortable, but having read about the potential gains, I stuck with them. Took loads of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Didn't do a lot of good, but helped a bit. So pleased that I did. Looking back, those leg ache's were not that bad at all, completely bearable considering the gains I achieved.
I do understand the irritation of having or needing to pay for meds that others may get on prescription depending on where they live, and how supportive their GP is. But, needs must.
Have you considered buying meds from a reputable site and seeing what effect you get?
What is still bizarre to me is that I can drink copiously, have a very enjoyable evening which, due to the drink I can not remember the next morning. But I am happy.
My GP explained to me that a degree of ED may be due to anxiety, and once you are sufficiently intoxicated, you cease to be anxious.
Won't work for everyone. But if it works for just ONE other, it is worth a try, maybe?