31/7/18 Finally had the Prostatectomy, it was due to be a Retzius sparing procedure but when I came to from the operation I realised that the catheter I had was of the Urethral variety whereas the Retzius procedure uses a Suprapubic catheter. Talking to the consultant the next day he informed me that due to the position of the tumour and the fact they were removing a number of Lymph glands it was decided that the normal approach was a better option.
The after effects of the operation have not been too bad I was discharged the next day with 6 sore wounds on my abdomen, after a day or two I had a scrotum of truly magnificent proportions but that has now returned to normal, the skin around the area is sore very like the pain I had with shingles which was like I had been mildly scalded .
The daily injections took some getting used to but considering this is a normal part of many people’s lives it is a small price to pay, these last for 28 days ( 14 more to go).
I am due to have the catheter removed tomorrow (15/8/18). The catheter itself has sometimes been uncomfortable but that is all. I have found it better to go commando so as not to pull the pipe to one side, and to wear tracksuit bottoms which generally hide the bags and pipes etc.
I am due to see the consultant on 28/8/18 (squeaky bum time) he was very upbeat about it after the operation but other people’s experiences on the forum have shown me that although all the scans etc show containment within the prostate only the biopsy shows the true condition, so I am trying keep an open mind on this. There is also the first PSA results to consider and the chance of biological recurrence but “hey ho” it is what it is.
A final comment the NHS were brilliant !!