I regret not having the radiotherapy but as you say you cannot turn back time ---
The Pathology report says The foci of tumor are identified,both peripherally located .The first lies posterio-inferior and the second right lateral superior .Both lobes of prostate are involved .
There is extensive perineural invasion and extracapsular spread is identified within large nerve bundles .Extracepsular spread reaches 0.5mm beyond capsule and this point,the circumfirential resection margin is 2mm .Circumferential surgical margins are clear .
Tumor extends into the base of the right seminal vesicle but there are no seminal vesicle metastases.The vas deferens are not involved .The bladder base and apical margins are clear .
Both foci of tumor occupy 1.5cc approx each .Total tumor volume is 3cc approx and tumor involves 15% of total prostate volume.
Diagnosis:Prostate --Adenocarcinoma
--Gleason 6
--pt3a AND pt3b