My situation:
PSA score of 31 at the start of May. Diagnosed a few weeks ago with PCa. Had mpMRI and TRUS biopsy. Letter from my urologist to my GP on 24th May says "Today I have told him (ie me) that the histology from the biopsy has shown that he, indeed, has prostate cancer. He has a Gleason 3+3 adenocarcinoma of the prostate involving 8% of cores from the right lobe and 16% of cores from the left lobe. His MRI suggests that there is no evidence of any extra prostatic involvement".
OK, I can live with this. Everyone I've seen has told me that what I've got should be curable.
Referred to the regional MDT. Saw the MDT oncologist last Monday, and he referred me on to another urologist to get a template biopsy, because he thinks that the PSA of 31 may indicate more active cancer not picked up by the TRUS.
Saw the other urologist yesterday morning. He drops the bombshell that he thinks that the PSA of 31 may indicate that the cancer is metastatic, in which case, he casually adds, my probable life expectancy is 5 years. He's sending me for a skeletal MRI which I'm due to have at 1pm on Wednesday. He's going to phone me with the results a few days after the scan. If I don't hear from him, he's probably forgotten, so ring his secretary to remind him. I'm due to have a template biopsy probably in the third week in July. I'm booked (but goodness knows whether I'll go) to go away on holiday the first two weeks in July, hence the delay.
So in the course of a single day I've gone from accepting that I've got curable localised cancer, to being told that there's a good chance I've got advanced cancer which is going to kill me. To say that I'm in a state of shock would be an understatement. I've no memory whatsoever of driving the 30 odd miles home from the hospital, although I must have done so. Since then I've been having a massive panic attack. I'm shaking like a leaf and the only thought in my mind is "I'm going to die".
My rational mind is telling me that the initial letter saying "His MRI suggests that there is no evidence of any extra prostatic involvement" combined with the Gleason 3+3 from the TRUS should be reassuring, and that the skeletal MRI is nothing more that a diagnostic test to rule out anything more serious, but I'm at emotional crisis point right now. Can't stop crying and just want to curl up into a ball and make the world go away. Having suicidal thoughts.
Any advice on how to get through this would be greatly appreciated. I'm really struggling right now, but I've got to get through this next week somehow.