Found this post on another forum, I share it here because it is a good news story:
Edited by member 19 Jun 2018 at 15:16 | Reason: make link work for bollinge! !
In fact the whole set-up is pretty poor when PC UK could have adopted a much more user-friendly platform like Ultimate Bulletin Board.
A great story which offers hope to us all.
Well it us a charity and one has to assume they are doing their best with limited resources. Perhaps you could volunteer your services to help them next time they are doing a technology refresh??
help them next time they are doing a technology refresh??
Nooooooo, don't even mention the r word ... this forum has only recently been updated following lots of work from members / service users / testers. It caused all sorts of tensions and problems. You might think this is a bit clunky; some of us didn't want the upgrade to this and we lost some really useful functions like how many people had read a thread, etc. Couldn't go through it again!
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