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What could it be... worried.

Posted 19 Jun 2018 at 21:07

Hi, my issues started about a month ago interested in your thoughts. 

I’m 39 I had a UTI burning when urinating and cloudy / smelly pee. diagnosed as Ecoli had 7 days of macrobid. 2 days after finishing antibiotics symptoms returned again another 7 days of macrobid and again after finishing the symptoms returned in 3 days This time I’m on 28 days of cypro 14 days in I went for an ultrasound and diagnosed with urine retention and an enlarged prostate. Dr did the digital rectal exam but did not have any pain or lumps. UTI symptoms cleared up after 2 days but still have a bit of lower abdomen discomfort. Today my PSA results came back as 3.35 so high for my age So I’ve been referred to a specialist. What can I expect as next steps?? 

Posted 19 Jun 2018 at 21:33
Hopefully, another DRE, a biopsy and an MRI in one order or another depending on where you live. PCUK is campaigning for all men to have a multi-layered MRI rather than the older more basic type but currently this isn’t available everywhere. Don’t let anyone fob you off with the idea that you are too young to have prostate cancer; we have an increasing number of members around your age or even younger.
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 20 Jun 2018 at 23:14

Thanks for the advice and guidance, I have an appointment next Thursday. I will update on progress. 

Posted 20 Jun 2018 at 23:46
I should have said that statistically, you are very unlikely to have prostate cancer and that the slightly high PSA could simply be a result of the infection. But best to get it checked out just in case :-/
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

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