hi,just got back from hospital for my 6 month check up,psa 0.01 testesterone started to appear 5.9.its been 2yrs since stopping zoladex,saw macmillan urology nurse and she has referred me back to my gp for my next psa test in december is this normal,she asked me how im feeling i said still gettin aches and pains and she said some people take longer to recover,with me been high risk i thought i would stop with urology,i asked if i could have psa test every 3 mths but no she said 6mths michael,but still a good result today though,cheers.
Good to hear. On GP referral, 15 months after my op I was told I was stable and could go to my GP or keep coming to the hosp. I asked for a phone appointment with anyone sensible or a hosp appt as I didn't want to be discharged. Not being discharged seemed quite important to me as I thought Icould get back faster if needed.
One other factor is that my GP and that hospital can't see each others data on line.
I later got a letter offering a phone appointment with a sister. I'm only interested in my psa level.
Edited by member 21 Jun 2018 at 14:30 | Reason: Not specified
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