Hi All,
I am now three months into Prostap and have gradually seen my quality of sleep falling off. Before any treatment started I could sleep all night with only one bladder movement. Now I find myself waking every two hours, then going into a flush, then feeling the urge to urinate which I know I don't need, but know that if I don't respont to I'll only remain awake fighting with pelvic floor clenches. So I rise, cool off, pass very little urine and then get back to sleep. This goes on at least three or four times and frankly is wearing on the system. I'm still getting the six hours I normally got, but now in two hour blocks.
As of writing I am 7/20 fractions into V-MAT IGRT which is now making things worse as the side effects of bowel disturbance start to make themselves felt. On top of the flushes and bladder calls I am getting wind which won't easily pass through causing yet more reason to be awake. Being wise with the diet is now becoming important.
The use of herbal tranquillisers in the form of KALMS from Boots seems to help me get back to sleep, but not every night. I used to use them when working and found they took the edge off any insomnia.
I presume all the above is normal (according to my radiologist it is) so I also presume there is not much I can do about it but if anyone has any suggestions that might help I'd be grateful.
Best Regards to all.
T1C. G7 (4+3) Running three Prostap injections and 20 fractions of IMIGRT.