Hi Emma,
Sorry you join us due to concern about your Dad's situation. Whilst we have had many men join us with a much higher PSA, unfortunately, his PSA is at a level where the chance of it being PCa is very high. Much will now depend on what is gleaned from Biopsy, MRI, etc.
Dad is being checked out expediously which is good. Perhaps we should not try to second guess what his treatment will be if PCa is confirmed as although HT is frequently a starting point other forms of supplementary or alternative treatment are sometimes given according to circumstances.
Some men live many years after a PCa diagnosis even when it is in their bones (which has yet to be confirmed in your Dad's case). Also, further down the line treatments are being introduced or are in development so try to remain optimistic.
Many men find it helpful to download or obtain a hard copy of the 'Toolkit' available from the publications section of this charity. It provides good information about PCa and treatments.
If you post Dad's full diagnosis and treatment plan when this is known, we will be in a better position to answer questions.
Edited by member 27 Jun 2018 at 15:18
| Reason: Not specified