Hi everyone,
I am working with researchers at the University of Edinburgh conducting a study into the psychological impact prostate cancer can have on people’s psychological wellbeing. We are asking any men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer to take part in our short online survey which can be accessed by clicking the link below. The team at Prostate Cancer UK have kindly allowed us to share our study on the community here.
The survey contains a number of questions which aim to measure psychological concepts such as anxiety, stress and symptoms related to prostate cancer such as physical pain. More information on the study is available on the information sheet included.
Taking part in this study involves answering a series of short questions/ statements, and should take around 10-15 minutes. Participation is voluntary, however, the more men across the UK who participate the better understanding will be provided on how prostate cancer can impact different individuals, and how important it may be for tailored support and care systems to be in place to ensure that those diagnosed with prostate cancer are offered appropriate psychological support, alongside any chosen cancer treatments. To participate, please click on the link below.
Please feel free to share the link to the study.
Thanks for your participation!
Project Reseacher - The Psychological Impacts of Prostate Cancer
School of Health in Social Science
The University of Edinburgh
Edited by moderator 09 Jul 2018 at 15:12
| Reason: Not specified