Hi. I joined today.
I'm supporting my partner who was diagnosed with advanced PC a couple of weeks ago. The acute aches and pains he's had in his hips for months he'd put down to 'getting old' (he's 63yrs) the same with erectile dysfunction and dribbling wee. What worries me and I don't see mentioned a lot is the fact that within a year he lost over 4 stone in weight (he'd put that down to cutting down booze) he spends more time asleep than awake. All his symptoms have been spread over a year, so we have no idea when 'things started'.
To add to the confusion, a few weeks ago (about the same time as the PC confirmation) he started having PIA'S (mini strokes) for which he has to take Asprin's/anticoagulants. Because of this, the hospital is loath to do a biopsy on a nodule found in the rectum whilst doing a digital prostate examination.
Letters we received from the hospital say he has advanced PC with a PSA of 13, but they don't say where it's advanced to, which we both find puzzling.
I apologise for my lack of medical knowledge, but hope someone out there can mainly inform me of what the situation is for PC patients who are also undergoing heart treatment?
Many thanks, in hope