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it was only a routine medical...

Posted 11 Jul 2018 at 23:23

My journey started October 2017, following a raised PSA from a routine medical. No physical symptoms so was naive when being referred to a urologist as this was just ticking boxes.  No family history of any cancer, never mind PC  

After MRI showed ”an area which warranted further investigation” and template biopsy in March, I was diagnosed with a (3+3) T2 with 13/28 positive cores. Urologist was transparent saying “I am a surgeon and would remove” but recommend that I needed to see a radiologist to investigate radiotherapy and surgeon specialising in robotic nerve sparing prostatectomy. Active surveillance is a possibility but one of the cores was in excess of 8mm, whereas others averaged 3mm.  

I have now seen 2 surgeons and a radiologist and am now  booked in for a further MRI (last one more than 6 months old and so would need to be repeated before any surgery)  and a focussed biopsy as the area originally identified on the first MRI was inconclusive. There is concern from both the radiologist and surgeon that this area should needs further investigation to inform which is the best option for the way forward. 

Depending on blood work and MRI, focussed biopsy could be as soon as 27/7.

Trying to embrace this diagnosis and face it head on, though some days are easier than others. Working on improved diet and exercise but have been recommended that whatever decision is made, start pelvic floor exercises irrespective. 

Will update once outcome has been decided. 

Posted 12 Jul 2018 at 08:35
Welcome to the site S1000XR

Good advice on the pelvic floor exercises too
We can't control the winds - but we can adjust our sails
Posted 12 Jul 2018 at 09:30
Hi, you seem to be in a relatively good position, albeit with PC to deal with.
Everything is currently focussed on getting the best diagnosis possible, and then giving you the best options for going forward. Please try to be patient.
The options will become clear, so you can then decide how you want to play it.
Whatever you do, dont overthink things without having all the facts.
I have a maxim "don't worry about what might happen, because it rarely does"
Good luck to you.
Posted 12 Jul 2018 at 11:26
Another way you could approach it is to consider all the pros and cons for surgery and various forms of RT. If it is strongly believed your cancer is contained within the Prostate and surgery is your favoured option you could go ahead with that. If there is doubt that the cancer is contained or you favour RT, then a later and better MRI could help establish where best to focus RT. But you are best guided by your consultants on your individual diagnosis and whether there is a 'best' way to treat, which is not always the case.
Posted 13 Jul 2018 at 08:03

Hi And Welcome 

I think you need to look at all the options before making a decision,I like you had a meeting with a surgeon that told me the best way was with him and the latest robotic surgery in the Lister hospital but i asked if i could speak to a Brachytherapy specialist that i saw in the next half hour and I ask him if brachy was possible with my Gleason of 3+4=7 and he said i was in the window as i had no escape out side the prostate.

I think the first specialist expected me to come back to him, but by luck i had a friend that had the brachytherapy operation two years earlier with good results.You must make your own decision of course but make sure you look up and study the possible side affects of all procedures first.

I had my Brachytherapy at Mount Vernon London in September 2016,and 21 months on i am doing well have no bowl or urine problems and my Psa at 0.39 down from PSA 2.19 September 2016.

If you need any more advice on my procedure please ask.

Good luck John.



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