I had my prostate removed and had indications the cancer had spread.
I had 37 sessions of radiotherapy.
As these treatments went on, it became more & more difficult to maintain a full bladder for the
time required in the machine.I peed myself a couple of times.
Bowels......As the treatment started, I was using suppositories to ensure I had an empty bowel before treatment.
After about 5 days worth of treatment, I seemed to have to go to the toilet very regularly.
My stools became soft and comically thin, about the diameter of a finger.
Some people have occasional bleeding.
I did and continue to have the occasional bleed a year after the radiotherapy ended.
My stools decided to firm up after about 3 months and going to the toilet became painful and I dreaded going.
Keep hydrated. It is very important.
Keep hydrated. It is very important.
Keep hydrated. It is very important.
I was slightly tired, but not exhausted.
Another slight problem I had was dry cracked skin just behind my anus.
I don't know if that was caused by a sunburn effect of the radiotherapy but I've never experienced it before.
Moisturiser helped a lot.
My advice is......try to deal with any problems the second they appear.
My main problem after radiotherapy was changes in my bowel.
Good luck with the treatment. Keep an eye on things.