So my story is that a work check flagged my PSA at 3.8 and my GP did a re-test and it's 3.9.
I'm 53 years old and had noticed a bit more wee'ing but nothing else so my GP referred me since apparently down here in Kent, they fast track appointments once you go over the threshold.
Have just seen the urologist today and flow test was good and he said my prostate was enlarged to the touch but not hard or bumpy. Oddly he then proceeded to give me leaflets on biopsies etc. but said he felt that was probably 'just' the common enlargement issue.
Anyway he said he'd send me for mpMRI as standard and keep me on the 'cancer fast track path' but I said to him I didn't particularly want biopsies done if the MRI was negative and also based on a pretty low PSA reading.
I just said can I not have the MRI and only biopsy if it spots something and he shrugged and said, you can do it that way if you want. He's also booked me in for bladder/kidney ultrasound since he said his machine was not very good plus a barrage of blood tests.
So I feel he's being thorough however was interested in people's thoughts on me saying no to biopsy unless MRI picks up anything? He said MRI 'can miss 40% of cancers' but I said that random biopsy can miss as well! Odd.
MRI can miss 40% seems a very odd thing to say unless he meant 40% of very small cancer cells?