Hi everybody, I am fairly new to this forum,
I had a kidney transplant in 2016. Now I have been diagnosed with locally advanced prostate cancer, Gleason 9 (5+4). I am on hormone treatment. The urologist recommended high dose brachytherapy as the treatment least likely to damage my kidney, but the hospital did not have this equipment. He referred me to a hospital that had this equipment. The team at this hospital recommended prostatectomy as the treatment most likely to lead to a cure! because they thought the seminal vesicles were most likely affected. My kidney consultant (a third hospital) suggested I get a referral to the urologist at his hospital as they were more likely to have experience of this situation and could more easily discuss it with my kidney consultant. So that's where I am at the moment, waiting for another consultation.
Are there any kidney transplant + PCa patients out there so we can discuss any treatments they have had and whether they were successful.
Any help would be much appreciated.