As 'tip for next few weeks', perhaps there's value in this...
Having a view contrary to the common 'look on the bright side'... I seem to be fortunate in accepting and being relatively ok that my longevity prospects 'don't look good'... and the likelihood that, after 2-3 years, a relatively rapid deterioration will shove me through the 'out' door.
'What me, worry...?' stressing about it seems pointless and likely to further reduce health and life enjoyment... and so I just take things as they come, and go from there. 'What'll be, will be...' into which tests and results and further tests will slot themselves.
I relax more than I did, finding wonder-and-enjoyment in simple things often considered of no merit and/or ignored.
I've been fully open with my kids - luckily for me they're adult, and my former wives have all had the good sense to wise-up and ditch me, so my 'guilt' is less than it otherwise would be and hence easier to handle. Being openly honest with loved ones might help y'all.
So, I'm not trying to refocus this thread onto me (hell no, I've better to do than want to discuss cancer)... simply offering what I hope will be of use.
Edited by member 23 Aug 2018 at 15:13
| Reason: Burst of inspiration.