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next stage MrI Scan

Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 14:32

having requested a blood test due to frequent trips too the loo during the day and the odd one at night i was shocked too be told i needed to consider if i had prostate problems . so after a intrusive rectal examination and a PSA score of 3.8 ( told normal for my age of 52 was 2.5) i was told i should be referred to a specialist at the hospital , so after a 2nd intrusive rectal examination told couldnt feel anything untoward , but was still told that i might need a biopsy which is scheduled in 10 days time but before that i have a MRI scan on the tues ..... i am terrified of the thought of a biopsy when the 2 rectal examinations were bad enough , the blood nurse made me feel a bit better recently when she stated if it was a liver biopsy that was required id still be worried but not as actually concerned about the actual procedure . how long after the MRI scan do you have too wait for wether you will need the biopsy . thanks for any information 

Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 21:23
I know it’s worrying, but a biopsy is the best way to find out whether or not you have prostate cancer (and it’s not the end of the world if you do). If they’ve said you’re likely to be in hospital 2-3 hours it’ll almost certainly be a TRUS biopsy. It’s uncomfortable but, after the initial scratch when they inject the local anaesthetic (just like at the dentist), it really shouldn’t hurt. I was a bit sore for a couple of days afterwards (nothing that paracetamol couldn’t deal with) and I had a little blood in my urine for about a week and a half. You’ll get the results of the biopsy two weeks later.

Try not to worry. We’ve all been there and got through it OK.


Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 22:04
I would expect the MRI scan to have been viewed before what looks likes to be your TRUS biopsy. This would help determine where samples should be taken. The experience can be likened to being flicked on your bottom for usually between 8 and 12 times with a rubber, band depending on the number of cores being taken. ( I would far rather have this than have a tooth filled!) After the TRUS I had no problem in driving home. The most important thing is you take the antibiotics provided because there is a risk of subsequent infection that for some can take a long time to be rid of.
Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 13:10

Hi Simon,

The best way to investigate your condition is to have an MRI before a biopsy. The results of that should give guidance as to what they are likely to find in a biopsy. The MRI is painless and just needs you to lie still for a while whilst a machine that makes a wobbly washing machine sound quiet bangs away happily searching your innards. The results are read by a radiologist who then sends his opinions to your Urologist. That can be one day to a couple of weeks, but the results should be to hand before you have a biopsy otherwise it becomes a fishing trip without any guidance as to where to look.

As for the biopsy, many men will have different opinions. As described above, to some it can be no worse than the flicking of a rubber band, to others the worst pain they have ever known. However one views the TRUSS method though,it is pretty crude, inaccurate and not without considerable risk of infection or complication. If you get the chance insist on a Trans Perennial one which should be done with reference to your MRI results. That way the surgeon knows exactly where to look, what to look for and the results are far more accurate. It's done on a general anaesthetic in a day and whilst a little uncomfortable is generally painless. There is a moving trend to make these the standard method of investigation so speak up and ask for one.

After that you'll have a clear indication of what to discuss with your team. Hopefully nothing at all based on what you've said so far.

Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:24

There is nothing 'bad' about the TRUSS over the TP biopsy, only how accurate and useful it is. As mentioned, it's discomfort varies from one man to another. 

TRUSS is the default biopsy for most NHS health trusts, but TP's are available in some. You have the right to choose what treatment you want, and where you wish to receive it so if you wish to journey further afield then you do not have to accept the first thing on offer.

The bottom line is not to have one of either type before you have your MRI results. At least armed with the knowledge of where to look the TRUSS might bring out what you need to know. The TP however offers much more accuracy and surety in its results.

Again, do some reading and try a chat with the nurses on 0800 074 8383 for professional guidance.

This Google search might help too:


Can I decide what treatment I want?

Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:28
The ultrasound probe is about the size of a man's finger, Simon. Perhaps a little thicker. It doesn't hurt, but there's no denying you'll be aware of it.

I had a nice nurse who held my hand and talked to me throughout the procedure to keep my mind off it. Very much a matter of just getting through it. A few minutes into my biopsy I asked when the urologist was going to start taking the samples and was surprised to be told that he'd already taken half of them. No pain at all.


Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 18:00

If in doubt head to Youtube.....


TRUSS Biopsies
The first one up doesn't seem to have any sound)


Trans Perennial Biopsies

You can also find images of the Radical Prostatectomy and some Radio Therapy treatments as well.

Show Most Thanked Posts
Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 20:37

thanks brian it almost feels with all the rushing of doctors app and referals that they have almost decided i need too have a biopsy , had one many yrs ago on a mark on my tongue ( thankfully was ok ) but at the other end is worrying me after the DRE was bad enough ,  , is it more just uncomfortable afterwards ? im a single parent and didnt really want to worry by boy by sending him away whilst i have the biopsy or can it stay into a overnight stay ? 

Edited by member 25 Aug 2018 at 20:43  | Reason: missunderstanding

Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 21:08

Are you having a TRUS biopsy or a template biopsy, do you know? A TRUS is done under local anaesthetic; a template as a day case under general anaesthetic. I’ve had both. Neither is pleasant, but I wouldn’t worry overly about having either again.

They’ll generally do the biopsy regardless of whether or not anything shows up on the MRI. It’s common for cancer not to show up on the MRI.


Edited by member 25 Aug 2018 at 21:10  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 21:13
thanks chris , not sure what im having . they said have the MRI first this coming tues then reserved for the biopsy the week after and said id be in the hospital for 2-3 hours . so from what i can see on here the results of the MRI scan wont be known before i have the biopsy ? all a tad confusing ( and worrying )
Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 21:23
I know it’s worrying, but a biopsy is the best way to find out whether or not you have prostate cancer (and it’s not the end of the world if you do). If they’ve said you’re likely to be in hospital 2-3 hours it’ll almost certainly be a TRUS biopsy. It’s uncomfortable but, after the initial scratch when they inject the local anaesthetic (just like at the dentist), it really shouldn’t hurt. I was a bit sore for a couple of days afterwards (nothing that paracetamol couldn’t deal with) and I had a little blood in my urine for about a week and a half. You’ll get the results of the biopsy two weeks later.

Try not to worry. We’ve all been there and got through it OK.


Posted 25 Aug 2018 at 22:04
I would expect the MRI scan to have been viewed before what looks likes to be your TRUS biopsy. This would help determine where samples should be taken. The experience can be likened to being flicked on your bottom for usually between 8 and 12 times with a rubber, band depending on the number of cores being taken. ( I would far rather have this than have a tooth filled!) After the TRUS I had no problem in driving home. The most important thing is you take the antibiotics provided because there is a risk of subsequent infection that for some can take a long time to be rid of.
Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 13:10

Hi Simon,

The best way to investigate your condition is to have an MRI before a biopsy. The results of that should give guidance as to what they are likely to find in a biopsy. The MRI is painless and just needs you to lie still for a while whilst a machine that makes a wobbly washing machine sound quiet bangs away happily searching your innards. The results are read by a radiologist who then sends his opinions to your Urologist. That can be one day to a couple of weeks, but the results should be to hand before you have a biopsy otherwise it becomes a fishing trip without any guidance as to where to look.

As for the biopsy, many men will have different opinions. As described above, to some it can be no worse than the flicking of a rubber band, to others the worst pain they have ever known. However one views the TRUSS method though,it is pretty crude, inaccurate and not without considerable risk of infection or complication. If you get the chance insist on a Trans Perennial one which should be done with reference to your MRI results. That way the surgeon knows exactly where to look, what to look for and the results are far more accurate. It's done on a general anaesthetic in a day and whilst a little uncomfortable is generally painless. There is a moving trend to make these the standard method of investigation so speak up and ask for one.

After that you'll have a clear indication of what to discuss with your team. Hopefully nothing at all based on what you've said so far.

Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 16:11
hi David thanks for reply , it does appear im down for a TRUSS biopsy is that the bad version ? ill ask about the TRANS one you mentioned .... supp i just gotta accept having this intrusion to see if there is anything dangerous going on and a bit of inconveniance , discomfort and pain isnt such a big deal
Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:13
Simon, other than the initial scratch when the local anaesthetic goes in, there shouldn't be any pain. Discomfort, yes - having a large object stuck up your backside for 15-20 minutes can't be described as comfortable - but it shouldn't hurt.

I was really stressed before I had my TRUS biopsy, but the reality of it was far less traumatic than the anticipation.

All the best,


Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:22
OMG Chris A LARGE OBJECT ?? i was bad enough for the x2 DRE examinations when i presume ( couldnt see ) the doctor was using his/her fingers , dont think i could take a LARGE OBJECT ( how large ) stuck up there for 15-20mins
Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:24

There is nothing 'bad' about the TRUSS over the TP biopsy, only how accurate and useful it is. As mentioned, it's discomfort varies from one man to another. 

TRUSS is the default biopsy for most NHS health trusts, but TP's are available in some. You have the right to choose what treatment you want, and where you wish to receive it so if you wish to journey further afield then you do not have to accept the first thing on offer.

The bottom line is not to have one of either type before you have your MRI results. At least armed with the knowledge of where to look the TRUSS might bring out what you need to know. The TP however offers much more accuracy and surety in its results.

Again, do some reading and try a chat with the nurses on 0800 074 8383 for professional guidance.

This Google search might help too:


Can I decide what treatment I want?

Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:28
The ultrasound probe is about the size of a man's finger, Simon. Perhaps a little thicker. It doesn't hurt, but there's no denying you'll be aware of it.

I had a nice nurse who held my hand and talked to me throughout the procedure to keep my mind off it. Very much a matter of just getting through it. A few minutes into my biopsy I asked when the urologist was going to start taking the samples and was surprised to be told that he'd already taken half of them. No pain at all.


Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 17:34
thanks david will try speak too a nurse before the biopsy , having my MRI this tuesday then the biopsy 1 week later , presume the would delay the biopsy if the results are not available within that timescale ? i have been googling stuff but one thing id like to see but cant find ( too put my mind at rest , a bit ) would be a video of a actual biopsy if possible
Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 18:00

If in doubt head to Youtube.....


TRUSS Biopsies
The first one up doesn't seem to have any sound)


Trans Perennial Biopsies

You can also find images of the Radical Prostatectomy and some Radio Therapy treatments as well.

Posted 26 Aug 2018 at 18:05
thanks David will have a look now
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