I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had surgery to remove my prostate in 2014.
My PSA was negligible ( <0.05) for more than 3 years after that but by October 2017 it had reached 0.2 which constituted a bio-chemical relapse.
I was immediately placed on Hormone Therapy with Prostap monthly injections which have now been changed to 3-monthly injections.
This is ongoing but from the start of HT my PSA quickly went back to <0.02 where it remains to this day.
I recently went to my GP complaining of back pain, and pain in my buttocks and down my leg, which I put down to over-exercise / sciatica.
My GP sent me off for a MRI scan on my lumbar spine, which was done in a mobile scanning unit by an agency contracted by the NHS.
On Friday evening I was called by my GP who advised me that the radiology company had contacted her to say they were concerned by something showing up on the scan and they were worried that it might be connected to my prostate cancer.
She didn't yet have the full report to hand but her call scared the living daylights out of me.
I had always assumed that with a negligible PSA that my prostate cancer was well under control so I was taken aback and indeed shocked by all this.
Has anyone experienced a similar thing ?
Any advice on this would be appreciated.