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My Dad is struggling....

Posted 13 Sep 2018 at 13:15

Hi everyone, its my first post on here and hoping to get some advice or support if possible. 

My dad was diagnosed with Advanced Prostate Cancer 3 years ago, it had begun to spread to his bones and was told he was at 8 on the Gleason scale and began regular hormone injections. These were working fine until just recently when he began experiencing the excruciating pain that began our awful journey down this path and was referred for scans which revealed that the PC had spread further into his pelvis and hip. He has been told he will need to begin radiotherapy and is due to see his oncologist on 20th Sept to discuss this. I went to visit him yesterday and he is in so much pain he has had to start using Oromorph (what are peoples experiences with this). He is 74 and my mam is 72 so I am concerned that when they go to appointments that its a little too much for them to take everything in too. 

My head is spinning with so much and Im trying to be strong in front of them but I feel so bitter that I could lose him as I can see how much pain he is in. What are everyones experiences with Radio?? How long have people gone on from it?? What happens if hes still in pain after? 

Thanks in advance, 


Posted 13 Sep 2018 at 13:48
In this case, the radiotherapy will probably be just one or two zaps of the bone mets to reduce pain, rather than a long process of regular sessions. RT for pain relief of bone mets is usually effective.

Have they changed his hormone or added a tablet called bicalutimide? It sounds like he has become hormone resistant (also known as androgen-independent or castrate-resistant) which means that the cancer has learned to survive without testosterone and is no longer being starved. Addinig bicalutimide can often hold things back for a few months or even a couple of years. Alternatively, they may suggest chemo and / or a new hormone such as abiraterone or enzalutimide, or Radium 223 which is particularly effective on bone mets.

Don't panic - once the pain is under control things will look brighter. Sometimes the hospitals struggle to get pain control right - a referral to your local hospice or a pain clinic might be useful.

Are you not able to go to appointments with him? If he gives his consent, the hospital can copy you into all letters to or about dad (for example, the treatment letters to GP, etc)

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 13 Sep 2018 at 14:00

Thank you, i think the doctor talked about tabket and RT and theyre discussing the options at the appointment next week. His readings had increased over thr last 3 months also so hopefully the treatment will slow it down again. He has epilespy and spondilosis in the spine which makes it difficult for him to walk as it is so he is walking around the house with a stick at the moment. My brother is taking him next week with my mam so im going to see if he is going in witht them- i hope so. 

Thank you

Michelle x

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