Hi Merlin,
The problem with TRUS biopsies, I have learned during a very steep learning curve since last November, is that some men have that test, and then because of indeterminate findings, have to go on to have a template biopsy as well.
Two friends separately warned me, with the words: “Don’t let them palm you off with a TRUS biopsy”, as they had both had had one and ended up with a template biopsy as well in the end. And when on the ward recovering from my template, there was a guy with severe cancer who had had to have a second one as well.
This forum is littered with similar comments about double biopsies, when one would have probably been enough if it was a template.
The TRUS biopsy is favoured by the NHS as it is relatively cheap and quick, and much cheaper than a template under general anaesthetic. I must admit, although I turned down a TRUS based on the advice above, my tumour was so large the it would have been detected in a TRUS, as it was evident on the MRI scan.
Another friend with BUPA insurance went straight for a template biopsy, and TRUS was never mentioned!
However, in marginal cases such as yours, where you may or not have a big problem, best to go for the “Gold Standard” test as outlined by the oncology consultant in the video.
Let’s hope it’s all a false alarm!
Cheers, John