Thank you Mr Angry re your comments
"I wish I had found this site BEFORE I went for treatment - the fact I may have had very limited options anyway is neither here nor there as I wasn't told about them or discussed in any sort of detail. I have learned a lot from reading others situations, decision making and new treatments.
Perhaps 3 years on from my diagnosis, things have changed for the better for all of you. I do know that 3 years ago the hospital had 700 prostate patients on its list. Today it is over 1,500. They seem overwhelmed and unable to cope probably due to more men coming forward for early testing and watching telly and seeing Bill Turnbull on the BBC News along with Stephen Fry's video.
Glad the misunderstanding is sorted Paul and good luck with your treatment and prognosis.
I agree and I was lucky to find this site before I went for treatment and it has been very helpful.
I dis read the other day that since the publicity by Stephen Fry and John Turnbull men going for a PSA test and being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer has rocketed and I read that the latest figures show the NHS treated 14,479 patients for urological cancers between April and July this year, up nearly 4,000 cases – or 36 per cent – on the same period last year.
Certainly for me it was Stephen Fry talking about his experience last February along with coverage in the press that made me go for a PSA test and I am very grateful to him that he spoke up but as you say the resources to deal with this increased demand has not caught up
I wish you all the best too Mr Angry with your treatment and prognosis too
Best Wishes