Both have upsides and downsides.
RP side effects are often more immediate but you do usually recover some or all of what you had before and there is more chance of salvage afterwards than with RT/HT.
RT side effects can take longer to manifest but still happen and there is much less in the way of salvage possible. I’m not sure about long term recovery from RT side effects but I am sure someone else can advise.
Both have similar first pass success rates, I understand.
The prevailing trend appears to be RP when younger / localised and RT when older / more spread.
I’ve seen conversations where people worry about treatment efficacy versus performance / continence sometimes to the extent of delaying treatment unnecessarily. Some also beat themselves up to a sadly excessive level after their treatment playing “what if”.
Best approach is to do the research, make a choice, get it done and move on. Be happy that you took positive action. There are no guarantees, whatever you choose, but as Churchill said “perfection is the enemy of progress”. Better a choice that can be later worked on than no choice at all.
Good luck in your journey.
Edit: all this will depend on your PSA levels, Gleason score etc.
Edited by member 09 Oct 2018 at 20:07
| Reason: Not specified