Hi all
Had my first docataxel chemo session last Monday, felt okay for the next three days but Thursday I had my 2nd (first 3 monthly) Prostap jab.
Friday I started to go downhill, temperature was all over the place, 35.5-37.5, Saturday night I felt very poorly so went to bed early. My lower back started aching and the pain over the next few hours was off the scale. Finally about 3am I phoned the Chemo helpline and although it took them over an hour to get back they sent a night doctor out who brought me some Morphine sulphate and strong cocodomol.
This more or less alleviated the pain in about 20 mins and Sunday I felt much brighter and managed a bit of lunch. Sunday teatime I started feeling bad again and the diarrhea started which culminated in 10 minute trips to the khasi. This continued throughout the night I started on the Imodium but it had little effect. When I was a kid at primary school dozens of us caught a dysentry bug which kept me off school for weeks but this post chemo diarrhea was much worse, my backside was like a broken soda syphon, once I got the stomach cramps i had about 5 seconds to hit the pot, it was that bad, must have made 30 visits in all.
I had nothing to eat Monday just drank loads of water couldn't face taking my meds i felt so drained and poorly, the poos stopped about 6pm Monday and yesterday I managed a bit of toast and a scrambled egg. Today I'm a bit brighter but still weak and physically feel 10 years older.
I'm sure my experience wasn't typical, my next Chemo is scheduled for 22/10/18, I'm dreading it, I see my Oncologist on 19/10 and i'll tell him all the above. I'd be interested to know how other people with PCa on prostap and doxatel got through their sessions.
Was taking the two medications 3 days apart too much for my body to cope with?