My father was diagnosed with Prostate cancer that had moved outside the prostate in 2014
His PSA originally in the 300's was brought down to less than 2 thanks to a very careful diet (supervised by mum!) and it stayed that way until May this year when sadly it was on the move with bone spread detected
His last MRI showed several lesions in liver and spleen
He can't take abiterone because he has never been able to swallow large tablets (mum usually crushes them but that can't be done with that drug)
He's opted therefore to start Doxacetel chemo with first session due next Friday
At the moment, he's in relatively good health (came out to see me and my son last night (2 hour train journey) and went to a concert with us
Guess question really is how effective is chemo now (particularly that drug) for buying more time
I know every case is different but any experiences with liver spread vs chemo would be good to read
Thank you so much for any help