Hi Wicher
I have a similar story and have copied part of my profile below with details for those who can't view it.
I had a raised and increasing PSA for over eight years before a biopsy was done. I too spread the word.
We can not rely on GPs to have in-depth knowledge of all conditions as they are just ''general'' practitioners but we should be able to rely on them to know when a referral to an expert is necessary. Unfortunately we can't. One GP actually said to me that ''PCa is nothing to worry about my father has had it for years and he is fine'' He was showing me to the door as he said it, more interested in his time schedule then anything else. I was so flabbergasted I didn't even reply. That was a good few years ago, if I knew then what I know now I would have put him straight in no uncertain terms.
''Age now 54 (October 17) PSA rising from 3.15 in 2008 (age 45) to 6+ in 2016. DRE normal.
PSA only found to be high due to general blood check.
Checked every 6 months and rising slowly.
08\02\08 - 3.69 after routine check.
26\01\09 over 4.Referred to Uro Cosultant. DRE Normal, no symptoms, Uro said very inlikely that you have PCa, monitor PSA every 6 months.
29\05\10 - 4.62 Referred again. Uro said very unlikely to be PCa.
06\09\10 - 4.88 Different GP now.
13\09\16 - 6.3 After a steady rise over nearly 9 years, referred to new Uro and sent for MRI & Biopsy.
Until this stage I had not researched PCa, having now done so I realise firstly that the first Urologist that I saw should have advised a Biopsy and secondly that the GP over the following years should have re referred me far sooner. If I had an earlier diagnosis it is very likely that I would have had a lower grade PCa and the option of Brachytherapy or more nerve sparing surgary. My confidence in GPs is now very low.
MRI Scan & Biopsy November 2016. Gleeson 3+4=7. Robotic RP Jan 2017 at Addinbrookes by Mr S. LH nerve sparing only. NX. Path Result - Gleeson same. Extracapsular Extension (focal) Grade Pc3a. Locally advanced and moderately aggressive. Microscopic negative margins. Follow up PSA <0.01 (undetectable) so far July 17. Catherter removed after one week. Toatally continent at night from then with slight leakage daytime for about 6 weeks.
I really can't speak highly enough of the care and support from Mr S and all at Addinbrookes.''
Good luck with your continuing low\undetectable PSA