As to how Brachytherapy can cause such problems I don't really know, but it does sound like sciatica and perhaps during the op it affected the nerve or you've started sitting differently.
I hadn't associated sciatica with Prostatectomy until someone at a clinic said he'd had it quite a lot and the doctor had said the operation can move the nerve which causes pain right down the leg. It rang a bell with me because I'd had a single surge of intense pain right down my leg but mainly in the thigh while sitting down a few weeks after the op and I've since had it a couple of more times and know to move quickly. The pain is very intense, worse than anything I've known, but fortunately only lasts about 2 seconds.
According to Google:
Sciatica is defined as pain or discomfort associated with the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down and buttocks down into the back of the legs to the feet (it's the longest nerve in the body!). Pain occurs when there's pressure on, or damage to, the sciatic nerve.
Not only that but simultaneous with my diagnostic psa test I got a very bad pain in the hip which lasted for months. The scans found nothing and the GP put it down to arthritis. I spent ages thinking I'd got bone spread even after the op, and it seems every September something like that happens and I start thinking should I ask for a psa test. The joy of getting older and how the imagination plays when you've been diagnosed.
Edited by member 06 Nov 2018 at 17:49
| Reason: Not specified