Hi Helen
We attach so much importance to our PSA scores, my next blood test is Saturday and I'm waiting with bated breath in the hope my PSA will have dropped further.
Lyn makes some interesting observations, when I went for my last Prostap jab the district nurse said jokingly lets just double check I'm giving you the 3 month injection so I made a mental note to myself to double check next time that I'm getting the right one.
I haven't a clue what my testosterone level is so thanks to your post, on Friday, when I next see my Onco I'm going to ask him to amend my blood request form to include a reading for it.
According to Dr Google the testosterone level in healthy males ranges from 270 to 1070 ng/dl (nanograms per deciliter) averaging out at 679 ng/dl.
Chemical castration level is below 50 ng/dl though some experts regard 20ng/dl as more accurate. Probably, like me, it will be worth asking for a T figure when your husband next does his bloods.