So I finally got round to chasing the GP up for a medical exemption form (the chemist said they I needed to go to the GP). Extreme follow on fatigue from the RT has slowed me down to a crawl on such things at the moment.
I ask the receptionist for a copy as I am a cancer patient so I can fill out and get the GP to sign. She looks at me like I am from Mars and goes off to find one. They have none and probably never have had. She asks the Practice Manager. No joy. She says the PM will request some but could not even give an idea of how long that would take. She says try the Chemist again.
I go back to the chemist and he says do it on line. I look on line and it is just a web page telling you to go to your GP for a form.
I'm spitting feathers because A) they appear not to have a clue about cancer exemption forms in general (which puts vulnerable cancer patients at financial risk) and B) didn't appear to give a duck, flying, walking or otherwise.
This is the same reception team that refused me a flu jab even though CRUK says I qualify.
I am now going to ring the hospital and see if they can sort it. I am going to also ask them if this kind of nonsense is usual from surgeries.
A complaint is pointless - we all know they go in the bin and are a black mark against you.
My next job is to find a surgery that scores more than 1.5 * on the NHS rating site (their current rating with some very bad written reviews).
Any thoughts, all?