Hi All, I had RARP with both nerves spared just over two years ago. The surgery went really well and I now have a consistent >0.1 PSA level but I've been left with the usual ED issue.
I've been on Cialis since surgery, which for ED works really well for me, but I have been struggling with some side effects - initially it exacerbated a pre-existing acid reflux problem so I had to take Lansoprazole to combat this but now I'm getting joint pains too. I tend to get joint inflammation which I can only shift after stopping both medications for a week or two. I'm not sure which medication is causing it but I suspect it's the Cialis which is unfortunate as there's not a great deal of movement down there without it.
Are there any alternatives like Cialis which can be taken daily? I appreciate how close to normal things are with it for me and am really unhappy with the thought of how things are without it. I appreciate I should probably get a referral for ED advice but thought I'd check here first to see what options were out there.