Thanks John, I hope we're doing the right thing, I think we are and more importantly Pete chose this so I am behind him 100% I'm sure you're right about the few weeks not making a difference, it's just that they said the same about my nana and her bladder cancer, it was supposed to be contained and then turns out it wasn't after the operation. So I'd like it done quickly if possible.
The 31/62 is the cancer waiting times, tbh I don't fully understand it myself, not sure if it means they have 62 days from gp referral to first definitive treatment. If so this would definitely mean we are going to breach! however I'm not sure what can be done about it? any help on this would be appreciated.
Yes the bone scan was hummed about, they didn't think it was necessary with the low PSA and G6, but Pete insisted he was worried about it, so a bone scan it is. I was reassured when the consultant said it wont be related to PCa.
I also asked if we were to see an oncologist would they push their R/T pathway over surgery, I didn't get the feeling we were being led down the surgical route, just because we were seeing a surgeon, it all seemed very neutral and what was best for Pete.
Thanks for your best wishes, you know me too well already, I will worry!