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Cancer gone to Spine

Posted 13 Nov 2018 at 19:40

Hi Folks ,

             I had diagnosis in mid 2014 , my biopsy showed aggressive Prostate Cancer with a gleason of 6 + 7 . I had the Radical prostatectomey in Aug 2014 , back in Sept 2014 with Sepsis , as my join leaked into my pelvis . The Senior Nurse that explanied about Sepsis at my Biopsy saved my life. Otherwise I would have thought I had bad Flu , gone back to bed and arrived at destination DEAD. God bless , Ellen .... she's on my lottery list for sure. We both got emotional when I took her chocolates etc ... Had Radiotherapy in  spring 2015 together with Hormone Medication . I started on Bicultamide 150mg and progressed to Zoladex implant. Zoladex caused me so many problems , menopausal crap and Insomnia which I have only just sorted out now. I have gone back to Biclutamide 150mg ( today I swear I looked in mirror after shower and I think I'm developing breasts .... nice .... I can't say I really wanted my own pair to play with ! ) . 

                                                                                                                       In Spring of 2015 was when I came across Chris Woollams , his site and I read his book . I decided to delay chemo . I tried my hardest to build my own Cancer Treatment Plan but I have not done so well , mainly because of family issues , trying to work full time and the huge problems Zoladex caused me . In mid 2016 I stopped everything in order to get a base level to try and sort out my Insomnia . I was making progress and that was with the help of an Ayurvedic Doctor I know . In Jan 2016 the Cancer had spread to my spine . All the way up to my shoulders but most concentrated in my Lumbar region . I apologise , I should have said just before my op they said the tumour was almost out of the organ ( The Prostate ) and they were concerned about the spread. After Radio the PSA was still going high and June 2015 a Nucleur scan confirmed activity in my lymph nodes in my groin and chest . I have now mostly sorted my Insomnia . I am using stuff from my Ayurvedic Dr for sleep and Hot flushes , Vitabiotics Menopace for Hot flushes and Neuro Rest from Utmostme for my insomnia as well as Zolpidem 10mg . I can't continue the Zolpidem long term so I hope that the Sleep Clinic and all my herbal stuff etc will help sort my Insomnia out . I am also trying ********* Plant Paradox based diet . Had a few hiccups with this and my Insomnia so I am hoping to work this out with my Ayurvedic Dr . I have been on strong cannabis oil which contains both since Jan 2016 . 

  Sorry about all this long back drop ..... I have a couple of questions .... 

 1. I recently had a conversation with someone who's mate has the same situation as me but had really great results with combining latest prostate chemo together with Cannabis oil . I would like to hear from folks who have done the same or just are on the latest Chemo , know about the most advanced chemo for prostate cancer , advanced prostate cancer etc 

 2. Anyone who has had real problems with hot flushes , particularly at night , head getting really hot etc and what they have found works , really helpful 

    Finally anyone who can relate to my experience and just has really great useful tips etc . I have give up on the Sex side for the moment as my wife and I seperated in Mid 2016 and I just have so much going on , it was my least priority. Also I found the pump and the whole experience so painful . I have seen there are lots of posts on the site regarding this , plus the Bionic Penis in the media was encouraging ... !!! Oh by the way .... The best medicine in the world .... Humour .. comedy ... I regularly watch Live at the Apollo ... to keep myself sane , more than anything ! 

Best wishes to aLL .... Bill&Ben67

Edited by moderator 13 Nov 2018 at 19:57  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 15 Nov 2018 at 16:45
There is no evidence that Ayurvedic medicine or cannabis oil are the slightest use in treating advanced prostate cancer. You clearly need systemic treatment quickly and you won't get that from snake oil types of treatment on which you have been relying largely. I would take your oncologist's advice and stick with it.


Posted 15 Nov 2018 at 18:46

You had RP Sept 2014, RT May 15 and have been on hormones since.

You want to know if anyone had Canabis Oll or if they know about the latest chemo.

 Also how to deal with hot flushes.

I'm sorry I can't help except to say that whatever you believe in can have beneficial results so if it was me I'd have a go although I'd want to take the prescribed route as well. 

I'd think American sites would be very useful for advanced research as many of their hospitals seem to have expense unspared and not be hindered by NICE cost restraints.


Posted 17 Nov 2018 at 17:44

Hi Auld Codger ,

                         thanks for your reply . All the best .


p.s. I get what you say about snake oil .... not everything is snake oil !


Posted 17 Nov 2018 at 17:47

Hi Peter ,

         here here ! Thankfully we have Chris Woollams and the huge effort he has put in to his site . There are other sites with folks working hard to support Cancer Patients and giving them alternative support. Bless them all . Best Wishes . I'll keep moving in a positive direction as long as I can . 


Posted 17 Nov 2018 at 19:15
I have spine mets and have been on HT for over 3 1/2 years. For the hot flushes I find acupuncture works really well. My Onco referred me to the local hospice outpatients department, it comes under palliative care. I had 6 weekly sessions to begin with and I responded so well the hot flushes reduced maybe 90% - I now have top-up sessions only every 6 weeks or so.

Some time prior to the acupuncture I had Cyproterone for 4 weeks, that worked really well too.

Posted 17 Nov 2018 at 19:42
My friend, who after seeing five expensive consultants on two continents regarding his PCa, and who directed me to the wonderful Professor Whocannotbenamedhere, has done extensive research into this subject for four years

As indeed, I have, in his stead for the last year. He is in touch with men who have had ‘miraculous’ remission stories with the use of cannabis oil, or CBD, or whatever it’s called.

Of course, I am personally sceptical about its efficacy - maybe as a placebo effect - but the last time I was up the Amazon in Manaus there were teams of botanists from major pharma firms scouring the rain forest to find the latest plant-derived wonder-drug.

Don’t dismiss snake oil out of hand - except if it comes from snakes.......

Cheers, John.

Posted 17 Nov 2018 at 20:27
Our hospital oncology unit offers acupuncture on the NHS to men struggling with hot flushes.

Sage capsules from Holland & Barret are also supposed to be very effective.

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 17 Nov 2018 at 22:46

Originally Posted by: Online Community Member
There is no evidence that Ayurvedic medicine or cannabis oil are the slightest use in treating advanced prostate cancer. You clearly need systemic treatment quickly and you won't get that from snake oil types of treatment on which you have been relying largely. I would take your oncologist's advice and stick with it.


A long departed work friend was a big fan of Ayurvedic medicine including travelling to India to have molten butter eye washes??  Anyway the "stomach upset" they were treating him for turned out to be stomach cancer. So do whatever makes you feel better but make sure you use "normal" medicine too!! 

Posted 18 Nov 2018 at 19:54

Hi Nervyn ,

               thanks . I am currently having Acupuncture at my Local St Giles Cancer Support centre. It does seem to be helping . I have realised they are worse when digesting food or exercising . It does not help matters that I am very unfit . Hopefully building up my exercise will help too . I am working with the Ayurvedic lady I see to work on the digestion part , especially evening meals and routine , as this impacts my sleep the most . Also I will continue to do research as the Vitabiotics Menopace products and what my Ayurvedic lady gives me for hot flushes seem to work well . I research what helps women , a lot of the advice does seem to apply equally . Thanks for posting and best wishes 


Posted 18 Nov 2018 at 20:06

Hi John ,

              anyone worth their salt knows how drug companies develop synthetic drugs and why ? The reasons are not all negative or about money ..... However the same folks ( worth their salt ) know about herbal products . I follow Mr Chris Woollams approach , as Chris is science based and checks his stuff out . He always recommends working with your oncologist and supporting what they do . I stopped everything , mid 2016 , foolish I know but I was that fed up and going slowly mad with the insomnia I had . To be honest I also listen to my body . For me I have three things that indicate my Cancer getting worse . Pain , Sleep and most of all FATIGUE . Also I can tell when something is supporting MY BODY , as those areas improve . Especially the Fatigue . I am not saying this is an indicator for everyone but it is for me. When I started on the Cannabis Oil I noticed an improvement after two weeks , I also know now from my PSA ... I am not taking enough ... I cannot afford to take more than what I am ..... So now I am in discussion with my Oncologist about Chemo . I am just trying my best , trying to buy more quality of life and support my family . I know I am my own worst enemy as I am not a super disciplined athlete. So I can make even more improvements , just in the area of discipline and routine . I am certainly glad I came across Chris Woollams and I need to re-read his book again to re-enthuse myself after all the crap of the last few years . Fingers crossed and best wishes to all .



Posted 18 Nov 2018 at 20:09

Hi LynEyre ,

                 thanks for the tip about Sage Capsules . I'll check to see if that is in Vitabiotics Menopace , if not , I'll give them a try too . Best wishes .



Posted 18 Nov 2018 at 20:23

Hi Francij1 ,

                    I am afraid I should have made my original post clearer . I had the Operation , I had Radiotherapy and Hormone Treatment . I continue to have Hormone Treatment , Bicultamide rather than Zoladex . I also take cannabis oil to assist the hormone treatment . Chemo is a personal choice for me . However I am in discussion about it with my Oncologist not just dismissing it altogether. The Ayurvedic medicine was not for my Cancer but Insomnia and Hot Flushes which neither my Oncologist or doctor could help me with . Well My Dr prescribed me Zolpidem but whilst I was on Zoladex it did nothing where as the Ayurvedic medicine at least helped. 

                                                          With my Cancer treatment I only use or concentrate on things that are proven or well documented . Mostly I go by the mainstream sites such as this one and Chris Woollams . Sorry I should have made myself much clearer . I will bear that in mind for the future . To be honest considering the documented evidence about Aggressive Prostate Cancer ( which I have ) , Cancer Research UK etc .... I am doing ok.... However I feel I could do much better , refer to my other reply to Bollinge / John . As in my original post , I am really looking for folks with experience about Hot Flushes , especially at night , Insomnia and also Chemo for Advanced Prostate Cancer , especially individuals like myself with Aggressive Advanced Prosate Cancer . Although all helpful tips are welcome , as I never assume I know everything there is to know about my Cancer. Although I have done quite a bit of homework , 2015 /2016 . I may well do seperate posts , regarding these three things on the site . Best wishes to all . I know it can be tough . 


Posted 19 Nov 2018 at 08:30
Posted 19 Nov 2018 at 13:58

Hi Angry,

Just sayin’.

I in no way advocate any such “quack” remedies, and I completely agree with you that desperate people will grasp at straws. It’s just that my mate is in contact with CBD users who seem to have been the subject of ‘so-called’ miracles.

My old mate Barry Sheene went for something like a cabbage smoothie diet rather than medical treatment for his cancer and that didn’t end well for him!

If I can only get back on Facebook Messenger on this bloody new iPad, I will copy and paste the ‘miraculous’ testimonials there. Whether they are genuine or sales promotion by a drug peddler selling CBD oil, we will probably never know.

It is intriguing though, that following the recent media furore when that mother tried to import cannabis oil for her kid for some complaint or other into UK, that it was initially banned, but then allowed in under licence.

Cheers, John.

Edited by member 19 Nov 2018 at 17:10  | Reason: Not specified

Posted 19 Nov 2018 at 18:42

Not all quack remedies are actually quack remedies. While there is nothing to support the idea that cannabis oil does anything for prostate cancer, you can now get it on the NHS for some types of epilepsy; a significant number of MS patients also have improved quality of life as a result of cannabis (but not by smoking it) and apparently doctors can now prescribe it for some chemo patients. The research has been done and showed that it helps in limited circumstances.

Sage tablets are also not considered such a quack remedy these days - many GPs recommend it to women in menopause and it has been proven to reduce hot flushes in some people.

Acupuncture may seem like a bizarre thing to those who don't believe in it but my guess is that oncology depts and hospices wouldn't fund it for cancer patients if they thought it was mumbo jumbo? 

Nothing can totally eradicate the side effects of hormone treatment and some people suffer more than others but that isn't a reason not to try something that might help. I worry more for the delusional few who stop following traditional routes because they believe some crazy notion that they read about in the Sunday paper.

Edited by member 19 Nov 2018 at 18:46  | Reason: Activate hyperlink

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Posted 19 Nov 2018 at 19:44

I was on zoladex for 3 years, finished June this year. I had acupuncture to help with the hot flushes and it worked really well for me and, for a while after the acupuncture finished, kept the hot flushes 'comfortable' and were less frequent. The hot flushes have returned with a bit of a vengeance now, but are likely to ease seeing as treatment now finished. I would certainly have acupuncture again, it also helped with the aches/pains and sleep. Although, naturally enough, aches/pains returned and having trouble getting to sleep, since ending Zoladex etc.






Posted 19 Nov 2018 at 20:27

Hi LynEyre and PeterCo ,

                                       I talked to guys at the Queen Elizabeth Radio Centre whilst having treatment . Quite a lot of them were not having any effects at all from Zoladex . Some were not even on it .... different timing and treatments as their Cancer's were different to mine ... I mean in Aggression and stage. We all had prostate cancer. Could be the fact that they were a few years older than me who knows . The lovely Liz was great in recommending Cranberry Juice to ease the burning after Radiotherapy .... worked a dream for me . Bless her . I really wish someone could have helped me with Zoladex back then . There were days when on Zoladex, that I had to take long walks etc on my own .... the stuff drove my system and me that nuts . I agree with LynEyre .... whilst on Zoladex nothing , absolutely nothing would help me or work , apart from distraction methods .... i.e. long walks ..... weight training etc .... Were I more logical and methodical like my mate and much more penetrating with inquiry and insight .... I would have gone back to Bicultamide much sooner. I'd prefer not to take any of it, but I follow Chris Woollams advice and insight . Since stopping the Zoladex in Aug , 2018 I am doing a lot better in general. I used Vitabiotics Menopace for Hot Flushes as when researching Women's Menopause and Hot Flushes I came across a few things. I tried Black Cohosh .... it did help with the Hot Flushes but made me feel like I'd been on the town half the night .... So I stopped that , as I need to work , drive etc . The Acupuncture is helping .... After my experiences with Zoladex , I have come to realise that some things work instantly in the body , like Tramadol for easing the irritation of Catheter and other things take a while . I have also spoken to quite a few people who have had Chemo . Some have had horrendous issues whilst others have only been slightly poorly . The problem here is .... these people are with different Cancers and also old and new chemo drugs .... I suppose at the end of the day.... everyone has to make decisions that are right for them . Best wishes to all 


Posted 20 Nov 2018 at 08:27
Hi Bill&ben,

Not on the site much but came across your thread. Iam glad I didn’t read it earlier on during my treatment as it seems very confusing with all the alternatives that everyone has. I guess different things work for different people so can only give my experience.

I was dx 3.5 years ago. No real signs but irregular peeing during watch a rugby match started it (to many pints). My treatment has been HT and then early chemo. PSA 394 Gleason 9 with mets spread. During my first HT and chemo I had lots of hot flushes during the day and night,.l,d wake up with a damp pillow through the sweat along with disturbed sleep. I did take sage tablets along with cranberry tablets and used “itworks sleep plus”. Looking back it make have helped. PSA was knocked right down for a few months but began to rise and was on baluculmide and then abbri. This year I cracked and compressed my L5, which. Any have had something to do with the mets and now back on chem (going in this morning for 5th of 10) so almost back to beginning, however I don’t have flushes any more and sleep is pretty good. I’ve kept working all the way through and only close family know about it, although someone said I seem to be enjoying life as I’ve got abit heavier round the stomach! I’ve just kept a balanced diet, plenty of veg and white meat, the odd steak. Kept up exercise walking,which also clears to head.

Whatever works for you is best, it’s just trying to find it.my brother in law who is retired GP said you can try anything you want but in any illness a positive attitude is a bonus, which is right although I can be a misery git! I also found a nice wee single malt a hour before bed helps every so often, but that just me.

Good luck


Posted 22 Nov 2018 at 14:06

Hi Steven ,

               it can get very confusing . Chris woollams has written a great book and his site is brilliant . I read his book three times and just tried to put together what worked well for me. If I had not had a severe reaction to Zoladex , I think I might have gone for Chemo . I have managed to whittle it down to a few things , going by other peoples experiences , that seem to work well . I have came across lots of information about The Immune System and it does seem to stack up what Chris is saying. I take Vitabiotics Vit D every day and I'm trying to get together the information about a Healthy Gut that works for me. 

   I appreciate you replying , I really do . What types of Chemo have you had ? Is it by Canular drip ? What reactions have you had , during and after the chemo ?

Best wishes 


Posted 24 Nov 2018 at 19:26
Hi Bill and Ben,

I frist had cabataxal, six rounds every 3 weeks about 3 years ago. I was generally fine throughoutuntil last 2 when tiredness begun to effect me. I took every Friday off work during that time. Other SE was loss of body hair (except head, due to cold cap), ridging of finger nails and wight gain around face etc. This time it’s the same cabataxal except it seems to have dropped from 1.25hrs duration to 1 hr. Again at this time 5 out of 10 same SE but with sickness first few days afterwards and some tingling of toes and fingers. Getting more exhausted now. I’ll look at Chris woollams book!

Hope all goes well.Steven

Posted 26 Nov 2018 at 17:18

Hi Steven ,

                 many thanks for replying . Your responses regards Chemo and what type of Chemo are a great help . At the moment because Zoladex knocked me about so much , Insomnia since 2015 etc , we are just monitoring my PSA ( recently jumped from 90 odd to 500 ) with me on Bicultamide 150mg daily and everything else I do . I was lucky as well that my CB oil person has been helping a friend of my Mother's with Liver Cancer for years , was known and the quality of their stuff. Generally after reading Chris Woollams site I check stuff against him. I'm also glad I found my Ayurvedic lady as she is very good at what she does . I also tried Mistletoe Therapy with a German Lady Dr . That did knock the Cancer too . I'm am going to possibly have another go at that , once I sort my sleep , fatigue out. I am slowly building my knowledge folder up. I have made a simple priority list for myself 

1. Sort Sleep 2. Fatigue ( 1 and 2 are degrees , I am looking for improvement more than anything ) 3. Back on track with Cancer program ( That's my own plan adding to Oncologist treatment i.e. what I am already doing , harder at diet , Cardio ?Vascular .... most likely do circuit training and hopefully get some strength as well as stamina back . 4. Quality time and do some simple bucket list stuff ...... The impact of this illness has took it's toll in many ways . I try not to underestimate but it's been tough . I really admire some of the folks that go through all this and also manage to raise lots of money for people like Chris Woollams ( Cricket Legend Mr bOYCOTT mentions him in his book ) hospices etc .... Something I have often thought about myself , keep positive , give something back etc .... 

Thanks for taking time to post and best wishes 


Posted 03 Dec 2018 at 20:17

Hi Steven ,

           despite the outcrys about Snake Oil etc I would recommend you do some Research on CBD for yourself . I noticed an immediate effect to my Fatigue when I first started taking it . Also my Mum's best friends Serious Liver Cancer has been kept at bay by the same stuff I use. That's how I got my contact. I have put some bullet points below about what I have done , am doing to keep it simple. Great news ... my Insomnia is reducing and natural sleep returning ever so slowly .... ! This is a major challenge for me and great results .

1. I recommend search your own Cancer on Chris Woollams site 

2. Search about NK Killer cells on his site and gogglehead 

3. Vit D , Immune system and GUT HEALTH ... check out the Plant Paradox by Stephen Gundry 

   very best wishes and I'll talk to Dan , my Oncologist about the Chemo you mentioned 


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