Hi, i started a different conversation for this. Just a quick recap, RP operation in April, PSA end May <.03, PSA Sept 0.11, Oct 0.16 and now Nov 0.29, so just recently it has doubled.
PSMA PET Scan with F18-1007 found cells in prostate bed, SRT starts on Wed next week Nov 21 for 35 sessions. Given the newer research says that with a PSA under 0.7 they will not start hormone therapy and will wait for results following SRT as there is little difference in outcomes unless proven that it has spread. I went for the CT setup and planning yesterday, and again they looked at the CT for anything , but as expected didn't see anything.
Obviously my vegan diet is not working, so might not be as strict there. I was taking Cialis of 5mg per day, but not doing too much here so I likely will stop this, but also some other people advised to stop this because it is known to increase the T-Levels and right now you want to ensure you are not working against the RT, especially if it doesn't do too much. I am very concerned about the last leap of PSA, which concerns me that there may be other areas of spread but don't know until after the RT. Is it even worth checking PSA levels during RT as they vary an amount and even after 2 years they don't settle down, although a continues increase would be cause for concern.
Thanks as always for all the comments
I would recommend doing these F18 PSMA-PET scans however, they are so advanced now it seems with the latest stuff they use and hopefully they become standard practice such as the mpMRI prior to diagnosis since it gives you a better chance of what is going on, perhaps not complete but a good chance. They are starting to see an increased trend of picking up low PSA as they refine this product too.