My husband was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer back in July 2018. We were told that he would need 6 lots of chemo and that after this he would have many years of life. Since July he has only managed 2 lots of chemo. His first treatment was delayed as he got bladder retention and ended up in hospital for 4 weeks. During this time he had a nephrostomy operation in both kidneys and then stents put in. He managed to then have his 1st chemo session. He reacted quite badly to this and ended up back in hospital with a chest infection. The medication they treated him with caused him to get drug induced pneumonia, so this delayed his 2nd chemo. The oncologist decided to give his 2nd chemo at a reduced rate 75%. He was due his 3rd treatment a few weeks ago but unfortunately his stents were being squashed by the cancer so he needed to have nephrostomies again so he is still only on number 2. In the meantime it appears that although his PSA has gone from 275 to 11 the cancer could possibly be getting bigger and spread to his lungs! It feels as if he has been through so much and he is not moving forward. I just wondered if anyone else has been going through a similar thing and has come through the other side. I worry about him so much.