Shortened version, had a work health check and PSA was 3.9.
I'm 54 years old and NHS route were intially brilliant, gave me an mpMRI which was clear but then said I should have a TRUS biopsy at which point I said 'why?' which confused them!
Anyway, went work private route and consultant said wait 3 months and retest and 3 months later PSA is 4.1 so he's doing the PT biopsy under general which I believe is slightly better and carries less risk even though risk is minimal.
I seem strangely calm thinking if even they find something it hopefully would be very treatable and better to follow this through at my age? Probably totally misguided but I guess better to think they won't find anything than what to do if they do?
All the very best to all on here.
Edited by member 18 Dec 2018 at 20:46
| Reason: Not specified