StevieP, what is spread to pelvic lymph nodes but metastasis?
Twiggy, one problem about RT spread widely enough to deal with the PCa in those lymph nodes is that it may have unwanted effects in the bowel and bladder unless directed with extreme care. I would talk to the Oncologist about that.
The HT should cause the prostate to shrink and the TURP of course will possibly remove some cancer, depending on the PCa locations. When things have settled down, the RT could be applied. I would say that you probably have some months to think about the RT option.
I was also a Gleason 9 with a high PSA over 11 years ago (I am 75 now). I had no evidence of widespread mets, nor indeed spread to lymph nodes, but realistically micro mets anywhere are possible with a Gleason 9. They may be too small to show on scans. I have now a met in my urethra to illustrate that point. I had RT to the prostate and seminal vesicles. I also had some later specialised brachytherapy to my urethra, but the little blighter survived that.
I offer this to suggest a sense of realism but also hope, that Bill should have more than 10 years of a good life ahead - and I hope in his case and mine, much more!