I have a stricture, almost certainly caused or made worse but my Macmillan nurse rather aggressively removing my post-op catheter.
I was back in hospital hemorrhaging from my penis within 24 hours.
I was dry immediately post-op (3.75 years ago) but my flow was poor and had virtually ground to a halt this autumn. I was able to only pee 7cl in 2mins and at the same time unable to void my bladder. I was seemingly living with a permanent 370cl in my bladder, which was causing regular infections.
My Urology Consultant same hospital but not the surgeon, suggested a cystoscopy and dilation, which I readily agreed to!
I went into hospital on 21 December 2018. To cut a long story short there were several attempts to get the camera through with many different sizes of dilation equipment. Eventually, the camera made it, all done under local anesthetic! it was painful and TBH pretty barbaric. Catheter removed on Christmas Eve. Peeing has never been so enjoyable!! The is no cure for my stricture, scar tissue grows, but can be managed. In an attempt to delay the next dilation I am currently self-catheterising 3 times a week, with a view to once a week in about 4 weeks time.
I'm pleased with my treatment although a general anesthetic would be preferred next time.
I hope this helps, and you are welcome to PM should you wish any further information.