Hi Pete
2 days into 'contained malignancy' diagnosis.
minutes into being a member of this online community
I have had a day from hell of see-sawing emotions.
yes, there are people far worse off than me and you.
I've been told that because this has been detected early enough, its treatable and not life threatening.
but shamefully, i have to own up to today at times not giving a toss about anyone else because its all about me and my situation. and i shivered at my news Wednesday, in spite of the positivity that immediately followed the delivery of the diagnosis.
Hate myself. kicked off with my fiancée. not proud of myself.
Pete. Although I'm brand new to this particular world I think i can already say its natural to feel negative and "what's the point". trials and tribulations make you stronger. Not chintzy rose-spectacled pretend world.
accept your negativity and, perhaps with the help of others (strangers can be more therapeutic than close friends and family) use it to build your strength of character. yield to it and it will consume you.
hope this complete novice hasnt made a pig's ear of my reply
lastly, for some reason, i'm being denied posting a new conversation. Is it because I'm brand new to hear? Not hijacking Pete's thread. Happy to recieve a PM as an answer. But if anyone gets/ has experienced my guilt & moroseness at dealing with my diagnosis when its way down the list compared to others, or if anyone had advice for me, i'd be grateful. Because right now I'm my own worst enemy and lousy company