Good Evening All
Had a RP operation last December the 6th (2018)
Since than I been trying to keep my little fella keep going ,active, so given him plenty actions by help of my girl friend, Viagra,s (the one I stored them way before had the RP Operation) and my imagination.
I have been reading all sort of comments on here about vacuum pump tadafil Cialis etc.
So today I made a visit to my GP I told her her that I need a pump and cialis , she said Because of I just had the operation and my wounds are still fresh and I have a follow up appointment in February she wouldn't suggest them for me but if she gets a letter from the hospital after my follow up appointment regarding a vacuum pump and cialis etc than she would be happy to provide them for me
I showed her some of the comments on here some of you guys even taken cialis before the RP Operation. I even showed her a maccmillans a online letter Answer to my question about Vacuum pump and cialis..but she did not back off and she insisted with her original answer.
I'm confussed that some of you guys on here given viagras tadafil cialis etc even 2 weeks after the RP Operation!
Any comments please
Thank you